1.5 Abstract in rivista
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 79.293
NA - Nord America 65.230
AS - Asia 14.762
AF - Africa 367
SA - Sud America 227
OC - Oceania 192
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 100
AN - Antartide 2
Totale 160.173
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 64.514
GB - Regno Unito 25.517
IE - Irlanda 13.789
CN - Cina 9.863
UA - Ucraina 8.282
IT - Italia 6.994
SE - Svezia 6.581
RU - Federazione Russa 5.389
FR - Francia 4.743
DE - Germania 4.302
SG - Singapore 2.962
FI - Finlandia 1.933
CA - Canada 664
ES - Italia 493
TR - Turchia 472
VN - Vietnam 419
BE - Belgio 341
CI - Costa d'Avorio 216
IN - India 184
AU - Australia 166
NL - Olanda 162
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 143
HK - Hong Kong 122
BR - Brasile 120
IR - Iran 118
KR - Corea 114
EU - Europa 99
JP - Giappone 90
PL - Polonia 79
PT - Portogallo 65
RO - Romania 61
CH - Svizzera 54
GR - Grecia 51
IL - Israele 51
PH - Filippine 41
RS - Serbia 36
CL - Cile 35
DK - Danimarca 32
HU - Ungheria 32
SA - Arabia Saudita 31
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 29
ZA - Sudafrica 29
AR - Argentina 28
MU - Mauritius 26
MY - Malesia 26
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 26
ID - Indonesia 25
BG - Bulgaria 24
EG - Egitto 24
TW - Taiwan 24
KZ - Kazakistan 23
MX - Messico 23
EE - Estonia 21
PK - Pakistan 21
AZ - Azerbaigian 20
BD - Bangladesh 19
KG - Kirghizistan 19
MA - Marocco 19
AT - Austria 17
LV - Lettonia 17
LT - Lituania 16
PE - Perù 15
NG - Nigeria 14
NO - Norvegia 14
EC - Ecuador 13
HR - Croazia 13
PA - Panama 13
TH - Thailandia 13
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 12
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 12
LU - Lussemburgo 12
IQ - Iraq 11
IM - Isola di Man 10
LK - Sri Lanka 9
AL - Albania 8
AM - Armenia 8
CY - Cipro 8
GE - Georgia 7
TN - Tunisia 7
UG - Uganda 7
UZ - Uzbekistan 7
BY - Bielorussia 6
CO - Colombia 6
JO - Giordania 6
MD - Moldavia 6
CR - Costa Rica 5
KE - Kenya 5
MK - Macedonia 5
MZ - Mozambico 5
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 4
BO - Bolivia 4
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 4
ET - Etiopia 4
KH - Cambogia 4
MT - Malta 4
NP - Nepal 4
SI - Slovenia 4
UY - Uruguay 4
IS - Islanda 3
JM - Giamaica 3
Totale 160.135
Città #
Southend 23.830
Dublin 13.647
Chandler 7.255
Jacksonville 7.232
Fairfield 6.844
Ashburn 4.635
Wilmington 3.478
Woodbridge 3.253
Ann Arbor 3.199
Princeton 2.975
Houston 2.811
Seattle 2.437
Beijing 2.322
Nanjing 2.302
Singapore 2.236
Menlo Park 2.175
Cambridge 2.127
Siena 1.484
Boardman 1.049
San Mateo 937
Helsinki 865
Nanchang 785
Dearborn 728
San Diego 652
Munich 625
Moscow 611
New York 607
Shenyang 553
Shanghai 464
Mcallen 454
Montréal 409
Tianjin 404
Málaga 399
Dong Ket 398
Hebei 372
Izmir 366
Kunming 331
Changsha 313
Brussels 301
Jiaxing 299
Düsseldorf 294
Rome 273
Milan 270
Florence 259
Norwalk 222
Abidjan 216
Jinan 216
Lancaster 199
San Francisco 180
Venezia 178
London 172
Los Angeles 155
Redwood City 153
Zhengzhou 142
Ningbo 136
Washington 134
Toronto 131
Hangzhou 130
Guangzhou 112
Dallas 109
Hefei 102
Brno 98
Fremont 84
Amsterdam 78
Bologna 78
Naples 78
Taizhou 75
Lanzhou 73
Stockholm 65
Frankfurt am Main 64
Changchun 61
Santa Clara 59
Hong Kong 57
Melbourne 55
Paris 54
Chicago 52
Lastra a Signa 51
Philadelphia 50
Fuzhou 49
Mestre 49
Phoenix 48
Tokyo 46
Falls Church 41
Catania 40
Costa Mesa 40
Delhi 40
Canberra 39
Edinburgh 38
Turin 38
Auburn Hills 37
Haikou 36
Palermo 35
Genoa 34
Sydney 34
Nuremberg 33
Zanjan 33
Pisa 32
Prato 32
Torino 32
Ottawa 31
Totale 111.916
Nome #
Modern technologies of Geomatics applied to engineering geology. Editorial in Advanced Geosciences 1.774
Transumbilical Laparoscopic-Assisted Appendicectomy:una valida e sicura alternativa in caso di appendiciti non complicate 1.033
Diverticolo di Meckel perforato: nostra esperienza 832
Retroperitoneoscopia: nostra esperienza 684
Depression in the elderly: results from Passi d'Argento surveillance, Italy 428
Vigilance behaviour in roe deer: the role of group size, season and sex-age class 343
Scale-dependent effectiveness of management in reducing deer impact on woodland 293
Are baleen whales exposed to microplastics threat? The case study of the Mediterranean Fin whale 289
Formulation and evaluation of topical products with Cannabis Sativa oil 267
Parental knowledge and girl adhesion to HPV vaccination: Siena- ITALY, 2012 263
Ruolo della ph-metria esofagea 24h nel follow-up nei pazienti affetti da malattia da reflusso gastro-esofageo trattati con tecnica videolaparoscopica 252
Predictive factors of induction delivery failure 234
What do teenagers know about sexually transmitted diseases? 232
A non-lethal multi-biomarker approach to investigate the ecotoxicological status of Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta, Linneo, 1758) 232
Sternal foramina : anatomy and clinical significance 230
40 years of Italian suicide history: women are not the weak gender 222
Pleural plaques: markers of asbestos exposure or indipendent risk factor for pleural mesothelioma? a case report 221
Light therapy as a treatment for sexual dysfunction; focus on testosterone levels 220
Immunohistochemical detection of myosin heavy chain isoforms in human cremaster muscle 217
A rare association of transient neonatal diabetes and trisomy X 213
Soluzioni innovative per la gestione dei magazzini di reparto attraverso l'uso della simulazione 213
The innervation of human muscularis mucosae: an ultrastructural study 212
Chemical characterization and in vitro antioxidant activity of products from Copaifera langsdorffii and Eugenia caryophyllata 211
How does government spending on healthcare affects mortality rate in Italy? A panel data analysis 207
[OA158] Noise equivalent number of quanta (NEQ): A tool for choosing the optimal reconstruction algorithm in computed tomography (CT) 206
Parenchima innervation of human white adipose tissue studied by digital deconvolution,for optical three-dimensional reconstruction of fluorescent imagines and transmission electron microscopy 206
Applicazione del Patient Dignity Inventory (PDI) su di una coorte di pazienti cronici e con insufficienza renale. 205
A novel method for a quick detection of legionella in water samples 204
A wearable Ultraviolet C Light (UVC) device for the automatic disinfection of the stethoscope 204
Comparing features of the professional midwives in United Kingdom and Italy 200
Appropriateness and efficiency: lean thinking implementation of a rural hospital 198
Objective or perceived health measure: which is a best cost predictor? 198
Dynamic Orthosis versus Threee-point Orthosis in Treating Osteoporosis Fractures in the Elderly: a Perspective Study 198
A study on hot-beverages vending machines: what do we daily drink? 197
354. KRAS mutation in gastric cancer- molecular, and clinico-pathological characteristic 193
Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use: Siena 2012 192
Preliminary evidence on the role of vestibolo- and neo-cerebellar circuits in the consolidation of spatial memory related to navigation. 192
Ab actu ad posse valet illatio? Epidemiological inferences from ex-voto 191
Factors influencing women partecipation in colorectal cancer screening 190
Use of a fluorescent marker for assessing hospital cleanliness 189
Breast cancer tissue analysis by computerized bidimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2DPAGE) and N-terminal microsequencing 189
Patients’ Mobility among Italian Regions: implications for hospital services planning and evaluation 188
A first step to investigate European patients’mobility: the interregional Italian experience 186
Healthcare-associated infections: Siena 2015 186
Hospital patients mobility trends among the Italian regions: 1998-2008 186
Vecchie e nuove patologie nella diagnosi differenziale dell'asbestosi: la polmonite da ipersensibilità 186
Use of antimicrobial agents in the Teaching Hospital of Siena 185
Alterazione del tempo di reazione motorio in pazienti affetti da sclerosi multipla con cinematica dell'arto superiore normale: disordine dell'attenzione o della pianificazione motoria? 185
Emotional functions and psychological well-being in patients with cerebellar impairment 185
65. Molecular surgery for gastric cancer-role of microsatellite instability in elderly patients 183
First assessment of DNA damage in Mediterranean pelagic species loggerhead turtle and swordfish: Application of comet assay and diffusion assay in frozen total blood 182
Life expectancy and self-reported health: related factors in 36 countries 182
Immuno-Inflammatory Markers in Advanced NSCLC Patients Undergone Fractioned Cisplatin, Oral Etoposide and Bevacizumab 182
Hand hygiene compliance in an Italian hospital 180
Alterazioni dei parametri cinematici in compiti di puntamento in soggetti con distonia cervicale idiopatica. 179
The role of cocaine in several types of death: an Italian study 179
Public Health from the very beginning: neonatal incubators safety in a clinical setting 179
Food related risks during pregnancy: how much do women know about it? 178
Vascular toxicity risk assessment of MC18 and MC70, novel potential diagnostic tools for in vivo PET studies 178
Radio catalytic ionization: an innovative approach for indoors disinfection 178
Gender differences in colorectal cancer screening in Central Italy 177
Development and application of molecular biomarkers for ecotoxicological monitoring in Stenella coeruleoalba (Cetacea, Odontoceti) 177
Elastometria cutanea a bassa depressione ed altre tecniche strumentali nella valutazione degli effetti di un topico idratante 176
Avoidable mortality in time of crisis (2006-2012 Italian regions different experience) 176
EEG correlates of action awareness in the parietal cortex 176
A novel OPA1 mutation in a family with Autosomal Dominant Optic Atrophy 174
Short term risk adjusted outcomes for heart failure 174
Liraglutide in psychiatric patients: preliminary results 174
Compliance with malaria chemoprophylaxis in travelers: a systematic review 174
There are still differences in the diffusion of screening campaigns in Italy 174
Ipilimumab in pretreated metastatic uveal melanoma patients: safety and clinical efficacy 174
Lack of p66Shc in the CLL mouse model E mu-TCL1 exacerbates nodal and extranodal infiltration of leukemic cells which can undergo Richter's transformation 173
Heavy costs of diabetic population in Central Italy for cardiovascular diseases hospitalization 173
In vitro neuraminidase inhibitory effect and activity against influenza virus A H1N1 of herbal drugs used for common cold 173
How much cocaine is there on our money? 173
Massive anterior chamber involvement in advanced retinoblastoma following intra-arterial chemotherapy 172
Characterization of CYP1A and gene expression profiling in three mysticete species 172
Environmental contaminants in hospital settings and progress in disinfecting techniques 172
Mood disorders and bariatric surgery: a pilot study 172
611. Gastric cancer patients with familial aggregation of gastric cancer and Lynch syndrome associated cancers with microsatellite instability 172
Immediate Introduction of Everolimus Does Not Affect Wound Healing and Delayed Graft Function in Renal Transplant Patients: Preliminary Results From NEVERWOUND Study 172
In vitro assessement of tariquidar toxicity towards vasculature 172
S wave variation to predict fluid responsiveness in icu patients undergoing controlled mechanical ventilation 172
Blaylock Risk Assessment Screening Score as a predictor of length of Hospital stay 172
Gastroprotective and anti Helicobacter pylori activities of propolis 171
613. Lymph node metastases in microsatellite unstable gastric cancer 171
612. Molecular background of high risk and low risk areas of gastric cancer in Italy 171
Overview on Diabetes’ interspace mortality and hospitalization in Central Italy 170
Using a simplified trail making test B to assess visuo-spatial and sequencing abilities in hereditary spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA) 170
Analisi del riarrangiamento e delle mutazioni del gene VH delle immunoglobuline nelle cellule B monocitoidi M-IRTA-1 positive. 169
Migrant Health: syndromic surveillance of newly arrived. Tuscany, 2015-2016 169
A62Effectiveness and resulting surgical behavior after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced breast cancer: our experience 169
610. Heterogeneity of new molecular gastric cancer classifications. Clinico-pathological characteristic 169
Clinical Testing of a Wearable Automatic UV-C Device for Stethoscope Disinfection 168
353. PIK3CA mutation in gastric cancer and the role of different codon mutations in the new molecular division of that neoplasm 168
Economic impact of multiple sclerosis in 2011 in Italy. Focus on rehabilitation costs 168
Venous leg ulcers infected by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 167
Abnormally length of the styloid process:an anomaly underestimated of the temporal bone with surgical and clinical relevance 166
An integrated territory-hospital approach to diabetes care 165
The low-frequency component of central venous pressure for estimating the transpulmonary pressure. 165
Totale 23.003

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202018.979 0 0 0 0 1.548 2.363 2.334 4.275 1.907 3.316 1.030 2.206
2020/202122.211 1.233 2.744 660 2.188 898 2.948 702 3.956 2.077 1.507 1.766 1.532
2021/202218.779 976 1.406 1.437 2.363 727 826 302 1.110 1.204 2.282 1.398 4.748
2022/202327.512 1.972 1.848 3.746 3.938 2.671 5.764 574 2.245 2.760 679 841 474
2023/202420.251 983 667 1.723 931 719 5.265 7.074 480 113 431 337 1.528
2024/202510.407 1.081 2.627 3.401 2.277 1.021 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 163.236