Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.852
NA - Nord America 3.436
AS - Asia 735
SA - Sud America 21
OC - Oceania 11
AF - Africa 6
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 8.064
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.428
GB - Regno Unito 1.103
DE - Germania 619
IE - Irlanda 593
CN - Cina 517
UA - Ucraina 344
SE - Svezia 335
RU - Federazione Russa 248
FR - Francia 215
IT - Italia 192
SG - Singapore 123
FI - Finlandia 115
TR - Turchia 45
BE - Belgio 19
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 18
ES - Italia 15
IN - India 15
BR - Brasile 14
VN - Vietnam 11
AU - Australia 9
CA - Canada 7
JP - Giappone 7
NL - Olanda 7
CH - Svizzera 5
CI - Costa d'Avorio 5
GR - Grecia 5
AT - Austria 4
IR - Iran 4
EE - Estonia 3
EU - Europa 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
PL - Polonia 3
BO - Bolivia 2
CL - Cile 2
LT - Lituania 2
NO - Norvegia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PH - Filippine 2
RO - Romania 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CO - Colombia 1
CY - Cipro 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
IL - Israele 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LV - Lettonia 1
NP - Nepal 1
PA - Panama 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
VE - Venezuela 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 8.064
Città #
Southend 1.032
Dublin 591
Chandler 422
Fairfield 408
Jacksonville 286
Ashburn 252
Santa Clara 251
Woodbridge 190
Ann Arbor 173
Wilmington 164
Seattle 148
Houston 143
Cambridge 126
Beijing 124
Nanjing 121
Princeton 93
Singapore 86
Siena 62
Boardman 61
Helsinki 58
Dearborn 54
Fremont 40
Izmir 38
San Diego 32
Tianjin 29
Shanghai 27
Moscow 26
Nanchang 26
Kunming 20
Lancaster 20
San Mateo 20
Brussels 19
Shenyang 19
Munich 18
Menlo Park 17
New York 17
Jiaxing 15
Changsha 14
Hebei 14
Zhengzhou 14
Los Angeles 12
Ningbo 12
Brno 11
Dong Ket 11
Norwalk 11
Jinan 10
Mestre 10
Málaga 10
Dallas 9
Düsseldorf 9
Chicago 8
Guangzhou 8
Florence 7
Hangzhou 7
London 7
Milan 7
Piscataway 7
San Francisco 7
Rome 6
Washington 6
Abidjan 5
Olomouc 5
Redwood City 5
Tokyo 5
Toronto 5
Canberra 4
Changchun 4
Hefei 4
Kocaeli 4
Paris 4
Vienna 4
Bari 3
Detroit 3
Edinburgh 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Kilburn 3
Lugano 3
Saint Petersburg 3
Taizhou 3
Tallinn 3
Venezia 3
Atlanta 2
Auburn Hills 2
Auckland 2
Buffalo 2
Central 2
Chiswick 2
Chongqing 2
Cormeilles-en-Parisis 2
Falkenstein 2
Ferrara 2
Fuzhou 2
Groningen 2
Lanzhou 2
Limbiate 2
Manila 2
Melbourne 2
Naples 2
Novara 2
Oslo 2
Totale 5.562
Nome #
Physiological effects of high-altitude trekking on gonadal, thyroid hormones and macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) responses in young lowlander women 239
Evaluation of in vitro cell and blood compatibility and in vivo analgesic activity of plant-derived dietary supplements 210
Effects of morphine on testosterone levels in rat C6 glioma cells: modulation by anastrozole 199
Quantitative Real-Time PCR detection of TRPV1-4 gene expression in human leukocytes from healthy and hyposensitive subjects 196
Central CRH administration changes formalin pain responses in male and female rats 193
Perinatal 17α-ethinylestradiol exposure affects formalin-induced responses in middle-aged male (but not female) rats 179
Endocrine and behavioural effects of transdermal buprenorphine in pain-suffering women of different reproductive ages 176
Behavioural and hormonal effects of restraint stress and formalin test in male and female rats 176
c-Fos expression in the spinal cord of female rats with artificial ureteric calculosis 174
Effects of formalin pain on hippocampal c-Fos expression in male and female rats 173
Sex differences in the analgesic effects of ICI 182,780 and Flutamide on ureteral calculosis in rats 168
Effects of gonadal hormones and persistent pain on non-spatial working memory in male and female rats. 164
Terapia testosteronica in uomini con sindrome androgenica indotta da oppioidi (Opiad Syndrom). 161
Perinatal exposure to xenoestrogens affects pain in adult female rats 158
The behavioral and neuronal effects induced by repetitive nociceptive stimulation are affected by gonadal hormones in male rats 157
The CB2 Agonist β-Caryophyllene in Male and Female Rats Exposed to a Model of Persistent Inflammatory Pain 154
Estrogenic chemicals at puberty change ERalpha in the hypothalamus of male and female rats. 153
Effects of the essential oil from citrus lemon in male and female rats exposed to a persistent painful stimulation 150
Terapia Testosteronica in Uomini con Sindrome da Deficienza Androgenica indotta da Oppiodi (Opiad Syndrome) 150
Gender-related effects of chronic non malignant pain and opioid therapy on plasma levels of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) 148
Estrogen and mu-opioid receptor antagonists counteract the 17 beta-estradiol-induced licking increase and interferon-gamma reduction occurring during the formalin test in male rats 148
Ormoni gonadici come modulatori della percezione algogena 144
Effects of long-term exposure of lemon essential oil odor on behavioral, hormonal and neuronal parameters in male and female rats 144
Hormone replacement therapy in morphine-induced hypogonadic male chronic pain patients 143
Repeated nociceptive stimulation induces different behavioral and neuronal responses in intact and gonadectomized female rats 141
In vitro and in vivo characterization of the new analgesic combination Beta-caryophyllene and docosahexaenoic Acid 137
Differences in the way men and women perceive and deal with pain 134
Influenze della Buprenorfina sul sistema endocrino 133
Effects of novelty and pain on behavior and hippocampal extracellular ACh levels in male and female rats 133
Gonadectomy affects hormonal and behavioral responses to repetitive nociceptive stimulation in male rats 129
Sex differences in the citrus lemon essential oil-induced increase of hippocampal acetylcholine release in rats exposed to a persistent painful stimulation. 128
Pain Study in X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy in Males and Females 128
Gonadectomy and persistent pain differently affect hippocampal c-Fos expression in male and female rats 125
Effects of 17beta-estradiol on rat urinary bladder: gender differences in anoxia-glucopenia and reperfusion damage 125
192 IgG -saporin-induced selective cholinergic denervation modifies formalin pain in male rats. 124
Morphine dose-dependently decreases testosterone levels in rat C6 glioma cells. 122
Purification of a protein involved in ADP formation 120
Bisphenol-A differently affects estrogen receptor-a in estrous-cycling and lactating female rats 108
Cefalea e dolore muscoloscheletrico in adolescenti in età scolare 108
Interactions between opioids and gonadal hormones in the modulation of pain 104
Valutazione del dolore e del disagio da sonda in corso di biopsia TR della prostata con anestesia per contatto associato ad infiltrazione periprostatica 103
Exposure to the estrogen pollutant bisphenol A affects formalin test in male and female rats 102
Role of gonadal hormones in formalin-induced pain responses of male rats: Modulation by estradiol and naloxone administration 102
Gonadectomy affects hormonal, behavioural and neuronal responses to repetitive nociceptive stimulation in male rats 102
A collection of results demostrating the effects of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) on formalin inflammatory pain in rodents 102
Gonadal hormones and pain modulation 101
Gli estrogeni modificano il rilascio di ACh nell'ippocampo di ratto durante una stimolazione nocicettiva resistente 100
Effetti del dolore cronico e del trattamento con oppiacei sui livelli di estradiolo e testosterone in uomini e donne 97
Sport and andrology: neuroendocrinological effects of age and training in male roadrunners 97
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor modulates formalin induced behaviors in rats 95
Long-term ovariectomy changes formalin-induced licking in female rats: the role of estrogens 93
Neuroprotection by 17beta-estradiol in rat urinary bladder subjected to ischaemia/reperfusion injury 91
Estrogen and testosterone change pain incidence and characteristics in MtF and FtM transsexual 86
Single opioids administation modifies gonadal steroids in both CNS and plasma of male rats 85
The role of psychological stress in platelet adhesion to polymeric materials 84
Testosterone administartion modulates formalin-inducing responsis in male and female rats 84
Sex differences in behavioural responsis to artificial calculosis in rats 83
Ormoni sessuali e dolore. 83
Formalin pain responsis in male rats: modulation by estradiol and mu-opiod receptors 82
Magnitude and direction of effect of corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) on inflammatory pain in rats depend on sex and pain measure Abs655 80
The effect of acute estrogen receptor antagonism on estradiol-induced increases in formalin inflammatory pain behaviour and interferon-g production in male rats 77
Testosterone affects formalin-induced c-Fos expression differently in male and female rats. 75
Food-Specific IgG4 Antibody-Guided Exclusion Diet Improves Conditions of Patients with Chronic Pain 47
Totale 8.107
Categoria #
all - tutte 24.050
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 24.050

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020786 0 0 0 0 0 139 143 196 94 112 22 80
2020/20211.249 110 114 49 137 89 156 50 180 146 59 82 77
2021/2022832 60 127 56 57 40 42 51 47 24 71 107 150
2022/20231.315 74 176 186 203 106 253 14 112 131 15 34 11
2023/2024889 41 18 96 43 25 211 316 29 7 7 8 88
2024/2025752 44 109 123 99 280 97 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.107