Dipartimento di Filologia e Critica delle Letterature Antiche e Moderne
"Scusi, io vorrei dire una cosa: dare e prendere la parola nei seminari universitari"
1999-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE
A pragmatic model of quotation in conversation
1993-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE
A scholar’s guide to getting published in English: Critical choices and practical strategies by Mary Jane Curry and Theresa Lillis (Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2013)
2015-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE
Academic networking face-to-face: What it looks like and what it can tell us about research collaboration
2014-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE
Access routines in service encounters
1988-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE
Accounting practices in service encounters in English and Italian
1994-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE
Adult education in the United States: adapting material for reading tests
1994-01-01 Hill, C; Anderson, LAURIE JANE
Aston, Ciliberti, Zorzi: a bibliographical repertoire
2018-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE; Gavioli, Laura; Zanettin, Federico
Attività riflessive e apprendimento
2005-01-01 A., Ciliberti; R., Pugliese; Anderson, LAURIE JANE
Audience participation and the representation of the political process in two British talk shows
1999-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE
Autonomy in action: Self-regulation and reflectivity in Tandem conversational exchanges
2002-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE
Autonomy in action: Self-regulation and reflectivity in Tandem conversational exchanges
2003-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE
Code-switching and coordination in interpreter-mediated interaction
2012-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE
Contesto e struttura conversazionale
1995-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE
Deictic projection and perspective-setting in therapeutic discourse
1992-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE
Differences between spoken and written language
1990-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE
Embodied argument: The role of co-expressive gesture in spoken academic discourse
2016-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE; Cirillo, Letizia
Evaluation in Oral and Written Academic Discourse
2004-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE; Bamford, J.
2004-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE; Bamford, J.
Fostering metalinguistic awareness: Role play, pragmatics and L2 literary translation
2018-01-01 Anderson, LAURIE JANE