Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e Scienze Matematiche
A remedial intervention in Algebra
2006-01-01 Maffei, L.; Mariotti, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Abduction and the explanation of anomalies: the case of proof by contradiction
2010-01-01 Antonini, S.; Mariotti, M. A.
Activating a Self-Regulated process: the case of a remedial activity within an ICT environment
2011-01-01 Mariotti, M. A.; Maffei, L.
Approaching and developing the culture of geometry theorems in school: a theoretical framework
2007-01-01 Bartolini Bussi, M. G.; Boero, P.; Ferri, F.; Garuti, R.; Mariotti, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Approaching functions: Cabri tools as instruments of semiotic mediation
2007-01-01 Falcade, R.; Laborde, C.; Mariotti, M. A.
Approaching geometry theorems in contexts: from history and epistemology to cognition
1997-01-01 Mariotti, MARIA ALESSANDRA; Bartolini Bussi, M. G.; Boero, P.; Ferri, F.; Garuti, R.
Arithmetic and Algebra, continuity or cognitive break? The case of Francesca
2001-01-01 Cerulli, M.; Mariotti, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Artefacts and instruments for mediating mathematical meanings
2007-01-01 Mariotti, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Artefatti e strumenti
2003-01-01 Mariotti, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Artifacts and signs after a Vygotskian perspective: the role of the teacher
2009-01-01 Mariotti, M. A.
Breakdown and reconstruction of figural concepts in proofs by contradiction in geometry.
2009-01-01 Mariotti, MARIA ALESSANDRA; Antonini, S.
Building theories: working in a microworld and writing the mathematical notebook
2003-01-01 Cerulli, M.; Mariotti, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Casyopée in the classroom: two different theory-driven pedagogical approaches
2010-01-01 Maracci, M.; Cazes, C.; Vanderbrouk, F.; Mariotti, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Challenging the traditional school approach to theorems: a hypothesis about the cognitive unity of theorems
1996-01-01 Boero, P.; Garuti, R.; Lemut, E.; Mariotti, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Con quale idea di numero i ragazzi escono dalla scuola media?
1995-01-01 Mariotti, MARIA ALESSANDRA; Sciolis Marino, M.; Sainati Nello, M.
Congetturare e dimostrare in ambiente di Geometria Dinamica
2011-01-01 Mariotti, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Conjecture-generation through Dragging and Abduction in Dynamic Geometry
2011-01-01 Baccaglini Frank, A.; Mariotti, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Conjecturing and Proving in Dynamic Geometry: the Elaboration of Some Research Hypotheses
2010-01-01 Baccaglini Frank, A; Mariotti, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Costruzioni in geometria
1996-01-01 Mariotti, MARIA ALESSANDRA
Defining in classroom activities
1997-01-01 Mariotti, M. A.; Fischbein, E.