Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 9.265
EU - Europa 5.979
AS - Asia 1.102
AF - Africa 32
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 28
SA - Sud America 23
OC - Oceania 10
Totale 16.439
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.735
GB - Regno Unito 2.001
IE - Irlanda 938
CN - Cina 756
UA - Ucraina 700
DE - Germania 628
CA - Canada 528
SE - Svezia 492
RU - Federazione Russa 439
IT - Italia 288
FR - Francia 265
SG - Singapore 199
FI - Finlandia 138
TR - Turchia 78
CI - Costa d'Avorio 28
EU - Europa 28
VN - Vietnam 28
NL - Olanda 17
BR - Brasile 16
BE - Belgio 15
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 9
JP - Giappone 9
AU - Australia 8
GR - Grecia 8
IN - India 8
RO - Romania 7
HK - Hong Kong 6
IR - Iran 6
DK - Danimarca 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
AT - Austria 3
NO - Norvegia 3
PL - Polonia 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
AL - Albania 2
CL - Cile 2
EC - Ecuador 2
EE - Estonia 2
IS - Islanda 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PE - Perù 2
RS - Serbia 2
SV - El Salvador 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
AR - Argentina 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CY - Cipro 1
EG - Egitto 1
ES - Italia 1
HR - Croazia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
JO - Giordania 1
KR - Corea 1
KW - Kuwait 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NP - Nepal 1
PH - Filippine 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 16.439
Città #
Fairfield 1.442
Southend 1.416
Dublin 928
Chandler 784
Woodbridge 612
Seattle 577
Jacksonville 574
Ashburn 568
Wilmington 534
Montréal 505
Cambridge 487
Houston 462
Santa Clara 435
Munich 432
Mcallen 341
Ann Arbor 307
Princeton 234
Nanjing 181
Beijing 135
Singapore 134
San Mateo 117
Boardman 111
San Diego 109
Izmir 73
Shenyang 63
Moscow 62
Nanchang 58
Helsinki 56
Siena 53
Menlo Park 52
Stockholm 38
Hebei 37
Shanghai 35
Tianjin 34
Abidjan 28
Dong Ket 28
Changsha 25
Jiaxing 25
Zhengzhou 23
London 21
Serra 21
Jinan 20
Kunming 20
Toronto 18
Falls Church 17
San Francisco 16
Brussels 15
Dearborn 15
Ningbo 14
Fremont 13
Norwalk 13
Amsterdam 10
Atlanta 10
Changchun 10
Guangzhou 10
Venice 10
Kilburn 9
New York 9
Trieste 9
Florence 8
Taizhou 8
Hangzhou 7
Tappahannock 7
Tokyo 7
Brno 6
Hefei 6
New Bedfont 6
Venezia 6
Bonndorf 5
Dallas 5
Hounslow 5
Milan 5
Pisa 5
Springfield 5
Chengdu 4
Düsseldorf 4
Prescot 4
Prineville 4
Rome 4
Sofia 4
Sydney 4
São Paulo 4
Taastrup 4
Washington 4
Berlin 3
Bologna 3
Central 3
Edinburgh 3
Fort Worth 3
Gunzenhausen 3
Livorno 3
Paris 3
Rosignano Marittimo 3
Turin 3
Voghera 3
Yellow Springs 3
Auburn Hills 2
Belgrade 2
Bientina 2
Centurion 2
Totale 12.570
Nome #
A pixel detector-based single photon-counting system as fast spectrometer for diagnostic X-ray beams 1.877
[OA158] Noise equivalent number of quanta (NEQ): A tool for choosing the optimal reconstruction algorithm in computed tomography (CT) 211
Advancements towards the implementation of clinical phase-contrast breast computed tomography at Elettra 207
Fully Automated Support System for Diagnosis of Breast Cancer in Contrast-Enhanced Spectral Mammography Images 201
Laboratory implementation of edge illumination X-ray phase-contrast imaging with energy-resolved detectors 172
Towards in vivo K-edge X-ray micro-CT with the pixirad-I/pixie-III detector 172
GaAs pixel detector with integrated readout for digital mammography 160
[P050] Measurement of the linear attenuation coefficients of breast tissues by synchrotron radiation computed tomography 160
K-edge spectral computed tomography with a photon counting detector and discrete reconstruction 160
X-ray phase-contrast imaging with an inverse compton scattering source 158
Monochromatic breast CT: absorption and phase-retrieved images 158
SoftHeart: A Mathematical and Software Simulation for Heart Restyling 154
X-ray spectra reconstruction from analysis of attenuation data: A Back Scattering Thomson source application 153
Test of a GaAs-based pixel device for digital mammography 152
Towards breast tomography with synchrotron radiation at Elettra: first images 150
Optimization of the equalization procedure for a single-photon counting CdTe detector used for CT 150
PIXIE III: a very large area photon-counting CMOS pixel ASIC for sharp X-ray spectral imaging 149
Quantitative phase retrieval with picosecond X-ray pulses from the ATF Inverse Compton Scattering source 148
GaAs pixel radiation detector as an autoradiography tool for genetic studies 147
Comparison of two portable solid state detectors with an improved collimation and alignment device for mammographic x-ray spectroscopy 147
A GaAs pixel detectors-based digital mammographic system: Performances and imaging tests results 144
Diagnostic performance of radiologists with and without different CAD systems for mammography 141
GaAs detector optimization for different medical imaging applications 141
Optimization of the energy for Breast monochromatic absorption X-ray Computed Tomography 141
Characterization of noise and efficiency of the Pixirad-1/Pixie-III CdTe X-ray imaging detector 139
Achromatic approach to phase-based multi-modal imaging with conventional X-ray sources 138
A Medipix2-based imaging system for digital mammography with silicon pixel detectors 138
GPCALMA: a grid-based tool for mammographic screening 137
Start-to-end simulation of a Thomson source for mammography 136
Visibility of tumor-like details in inline phase contrast mammography using quasi monochromatic X-ray sources 136
Application of an expectation maximization method to the reconstruction of X-ray-tube spectra from transmission data 135
A scalable computer-aided detection system for microcalcification cluster identification in a pan-European distributed database of mammograms 135
Low contrast imaging with a GaAs pixel digital detector 134
The CALMA project: a CAD tool in breast radiography 133
A prototype for a mammographic head and related developments 133
An automatic system to discriminate malignant from benign massive lesions on mammograms 133
A Scalable System for Microcalcification Cluster Automated Detection in a Distributed Mammographic Database 133
Experimental study of Compton scattering reduction in digital mammographic imaging 132
Characterization of a single photon counting imaging system by the transfer functions analysis 132
Performance of a medical imaging system for photons in the 60–140 keV energy range 131
Characterization of the acquisition modes implemented in Pixirad-1/Pixie-III X-ray Detector: Effects of charge sharing correction on spectral resolution and image quality 131
CMOS APS detector characterization for quantitative X-ray imaging 131
Monochromatic breast computed tomography with synchrotron radiation: phase-contrast and phase-retrieved image comparison and full-volume reconstruction 130
Quantitative evaluation of single-shot inline phase contrast imaging using an inverse compton x-ray source 128
Characterization of Pixirad-1 photon counting detector for X-ray imaging 127
A MEDIPIX2-based imaging system for digital mammography with silicon pixel detectors 126
Lasers as particle accelerators in medicine: From laser-driven protons to imaging with Thomson sources 125
Search of micro calcification clusters with the CALMA CAD station 125
A CAD system for nodule detection in low-dose lung CTs based on region growing and a new active contour model 125
Performance of a 4096 pixel photon counting chip 125
Image quality comparison between a phase-contrast synchrotron radiation breast CT and a clinical breast CT: a phantom based study 125
Phase-contrast breast CT: the effect of propagation distance 125
A tool for mammography: CALMA 124
Evaluation of the imaging properties of a direct detection single photon counting based system 124
GPCALMA: A tool for mammography with a GRID-connected distributed database 124
Lung nodule detection in low-dose and thin-slice computed tomography 124
MEDIPIX: a VLSI chip for a GaAs pixel detector for digital radiology 123
Interconnection techniques of GaAs pixel detector on Silicon ASIC electronics 122
Characterization of mammographic masses using a gradient-based segmentation algorithm and a neural classifier 122
Imaging study of a phase-sensitive breast-CT system in continuous acquisition mode 121
Spectroscopic and imaging capabilities of a pixellated photon counting system 120
An automatic system to discriminate malignant from benign massive lesions in mammograms 120
MAGIC-5: an Italian mammographic database of digitised images for research 120
The MAGIC-5 project: Medical applications on a grid infrastructure connection 120
Large-area single-photon-counting CdTe detector for synchrotron radiation computed tomography: a dedicated pre-processing procedure 120
Measurement of an inverse Compton scattering source local spectrum using k-edge filters 119
Pin-hole array production and detailed data analysis for advanced single-shot X-ray imaging of laboratory plasmas 119
Characterization of a mammographic system based on single photon counting pixel arrays coupled to GaAs x-ray detectors 118
GPCALMA: An Italian mammographic database of digitized images for research 118
Characterization of Si pixel detectors of different thickness 118
Preprocessing methods for nodule detection in lung CT 118
An example of technological transfer to industry: the "IMI" project 117
Semiconductor pixel detectors for digital mammography 117
A test to evaluate the impact of the CAD tools in mammographic diagnosis 117
Inpainting approaches to fill in detector gaps in phase contrast computed tomography 117
Full field images of mammographic phantoms obtained with a single photon counting system 117
Preliminary characterization of a single photon counting detection system for CT application 116
Comparison of imaging properties of several digital radiographic systems 116
Low contrast imaging with a GaAs pixel digital detector 116
A CAD tool for early diagnosis: massive lesion and microcalcificaton cluster detection in breast radiography 115
Post-reconstruction 3D single-distance phase retrieval for multi-stage phase-contrast tomography with photon-counting detectors 115
A framework for iterative reconstruction in phase-contrast computed tomography dedicated to the breast 114
GPCALMA: a grid approach to mammographic screening 112
Distributed medical images analysis on a Grid infrastructure 112
Preliminary study of the advantages of X-ray energy selection in CT imaging 112
Phase contrast imaging simulation and measurements using polychromatic sources with small source-object distances 112
Quantitative evaluation of breast CT reconstruction by means of figures of merit based on similarity metrics 110
Single-shot K-Edge subtraction X-ray discrete computed tomography with a polychromatic source and the Pixie-III detector 110
Energy characterization of Pixirad-1 photon counting detector system 109
Experimental study of Compton scattering reduction in digital mammographic imaging 109
Characterization of a Single Photon Counting Imaging System by Transfer Function Analysis 109
A project for digital mammography based on a GaAs pixel detector and on a self-triggering single photon counting acquisition system 108
Image quality and spectroscopic characteristics of different silicon pixel imaging systems 107
Fabrication of 3-μm diameter pin hole array (PHA) on thick W substrates 106
[Application of a computer-aided detection (CAD) system to digitalized mammograms for identifying microcalcifications]. FT Applicazione di un sistema di Computer Aided Detection (CAD) a mammografie digitalizzate nell'individuazione di microcalcificazioni 105
Novel types of ionizing radiation sources at LNF-PLASMONX facility 105
Digital mammographic application of a single photon counting pixel detector 104
Performance of an imaging system based on silicon pixel detectors of different thickness 103
Performances of different digital mammography imaging systems: Evaluation and comparison 103
Quantitative characterization of breast tissues with dedicated CT imaging 101
Totale 14.739
Categoria #
all - tutte 54.728
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 54.728

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.995 0 0 0 0 0 0 358 517 378 333 164 245
2020/20212.305 108 320 116 277 140 253 96 376 89 236 167 127
2021/20221.913 84 249 172 229 109 88 51 90 80 243 157 361
2022/20232.304 182 149 252 355 269 481 24 191 252 25 77 47
2023/20241.193 70 45 100 24 36 326 461 12 1 5 6 107
2024/20251.148 78 196 264 123 345 141 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 16.797