Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 782
EU - Europa 593
AS - Asia 115
SA - Sud America 2
AF - Africa 1
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 1.494
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 780
GB - Regno Unito 154
IE - Irlanda 148
CN - Cina 85
SE - Svezia 57
RU - Federazione Russa 56
FR - Francia 48
UA - Ucraina 47
IT - Italia 27
DE - Germania 24
SG - Singapore 14
FI - Finlandia 13
ES - Italia 9
IN - India 5
TR - Turchia 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
IL - Israele 3
CA - Canada 2
CH - Svizzera 2
IR - Iran 2
RO - Romania 2
AU - Australia 1
BR - Brasile 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
CL - Cile 1
DK - Danimarca 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KR - Corea 1
NL - Olanda 1
PL - Polonia 1
Totale 1.494
Città #
Southend 152
Dublin 148
Fairfield 135
Ashburn 89
Woodbridge 63
Wilmington 51
Houston 46
Seattle 46
Cambridge 45
Jacksonville 39
Chandler 37
Dearborn 31
Beijing 26
Princeton 25
Ann Arbor 19
Shanghai 17
New York 13
Siena 13
San Mateo 12
Helsinki 11
Singapore 11
Fremont 10
Málaga 9
Tianjin 7
Washington 7
Moscow 6
Nanjing 6
San Diego 5
Changsha 4
Falls Church 4
Izmir 4
Kunming 4
Norwalk 4
Brno 3
Menlo Park 3
Nanchang 3
Rome 3
Shenyang 3
Boardman 2
Bucharest 2
Chicago 2
Hadera 2
Los Angeles 2
Milan 2
Nocera Inferiore 2
Pune 2
San Francisco 2
Turin 2
Zurich 2
Abidjan 1
Amsterdam 1
Ancona 1
Boston 1
Dallas 1
Düsseldorf 1
Edinburgh 1
Guangzhou 1
Hangzhou 1
Hefei 1
Indiana 1
Jinan 1
Kyiv 1
Melbourne 1
Munich 1
Ottawa 1
Paris 1
Santiago 1
Springfield 1
São Paulo 1
Tel Aviv 1
Toronto 1
Vailate 1
Zanjan 1
Totale 1.160
Nome #
Cellular kinetic differences between Hodgkin's and anaplastic large cell lymphomas: relation to the expression of p34cdc2 and cyclin B-1 162
Cell Kinetics, Morphology, and Molecular IgVH Gene Rearrangements in Hodgkin's Disease 146
Growth vs. DNA strand breaks in Hodgkin's disease: Impaired proliferative ability of Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells 137
Growth patterns of diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphomas estimated from mitotic and apoptotic indices 135
Mitotic activity and nuclear DNA damage of large cells in Hodgkin's disease: Comparison with the expression of p53 and bcl-2 proteins and the presence of Epstein-Barr virus 126
Low versus high cell turnover in diffusely growing non‐Hodgkin's lymphomas 121
Spatial distribution of mitosis, apoptosis and small blood vessels in malignant diffuse follicular‐center‐cell lymphomas: A nearest‐neighbor analysis 121
Elettroforesi bidimensionale delle proteine per la caratterizzazione del carcinoma della mammella 107
Diffuse centrocytic and/or centroblastic malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphomas: comparison of mitotic and pyknotic (apoptotic) indices 103
Cell growth and death in malignant lymphomas. A quantitative analysis. 97
Expression of p34(cdc2) and cyclin B-1 in Hodgkin's disease and anaplastic large cell lymphomas 96
Elettroforesi bidimensionale delle proteine per la caratterizzazione del carcinoma della mammella 81
Malattia di Hodgkin e linfoma anaplastico a grandi cellule: analogie e differenze morfologiche 76
Dual-energy CT for locoregional staging of breast cancer: Preliminary results 25
Totale 1.533
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.901
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 4.901

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020410 0 0 0 60 48 56 56 59 50 48 6 27
2020/2021214 3 42 4 21 6 35 14 32 17 13 18 9
2021/2022183 14 16 28 13 11 8 4 4 8 20 18 39
2022/2023201 14 15 41 15 8 44 5 21 20 9 7 2
2023/2024253 10 3 45 6 17 68 81 4 1 4 0 14
2024/202577 4 13 52 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.533