This paper deals with the study of a late 16th century decisio by the Rota of Lucca, one of the major courts established in modern times in Italy and Europe. The author was Giuseppe Ludovisi, judge and jurist from Assisi, who during his career held important positions, including that of auditor of the Rota of Perugia, Lucca and Florence. The collections of his Perugian and Lucchese decisiones were published respectively, in 1572 and 1577. His Conclusiones communes (1581) and the Receptae sententiae (1584) also went to print. The seventeenth of his decisiones in Lucca concern a tragic case of sexual violence followed by death, made even more dramatic by the age of the accused - a boy of fifteen - and above all the victim - a child of only two years of age. With numerous doctrinal, advisory and normative citations and judicial precedent, the ruling dealt with two important issues in the context of juvenile criminal justice of the time. The first related to the validity of the confession extracted following torture of a child without the assistance of a curator. The second concerned the penalty to be imposed and, in particular, the imposition of the death penalty on a pubescent minor. A fifteen-year-old boy was accused of raping his two-year-old granddaughter, who later died as a result of injuries sustained in her private parts. On the basis of evidence of guilt the judge had ordered that the young man be subjected to torture. As a result of said "torments" the adolescent had confessed not only to have raped the girl several times, but also to other illicit behaviors (the rape of another six-year-old girl, sexual intercourse of various kinds, including sodomy). Ludovisi attested that according to the ius commune the appointment of a curator in favor of the minor would have been necessary, as established by an imperial constitution. Nevertheless, Ludovisi ultimately accepted the validity of the confession on the basis of a consuetudo, though contra legem, followed in practice and also in many doctrinal opinions. This conclusion must have been reached by also taking into account the assistance, in the trial, of two representatives of the Senate of Lucca, whose presence was equivalent to that of the princeps, which de jure substitutes for any necessary requirement. Because of the punishment of the adolescent, his imputability was taken for granted as a pubescent minor and therefore as a doli capax. In theory, in light of his age, the boy would still have been worthy of a reduction of sentence by arbitrary decision of the judge, without prejudice to the cases of extremely willful atrocissimi crimes, for which the death penalty could be imposed. However, the judge indicated that the nature and extent of the sanction had to be assessed in light of the statute of the city of Lucca, which regulated the punishment of minors under eighteen years of age. In such cases, in fact, if a minor was accused of a crimen for which a corporal punishment was envisaged, a judge could still issue a sentence for a milder sanction, considering the personal condition, age and obviously the qualitas facti. However, the most favorable treatment could not have taken place for the crimes laese maiestatis, of machination against the peace and freedom of the city of Lucca and of willful murder. In particular, then, according to the judge from Assisi, other criminal hypotheses in quibus est eadem et maior ratio were to be assimilated to this latter criminal offense. In this regard, Ludovisi asserted that for the crimes in question the reckoning of the eadem ratio of willful homicide seemed to occur, indeed a major ratio concerning the severity of the sentence and the other confessed crimes. On these assumptions, the application of the statute rule of Lucca concerning willful murder seemed unavoidable. But, as for the question relating to confession, the reasoning of the rotal judge was reversed: capital punishment, foreseen for willful murder, should not and could not be imposed on the boy precisely on the basis of the legislation in force in Lucca. According to the magistrate, contrary to appearance, in reality the eadem ratio lacked in substance, as there was no subjective element of willful murder. In fact, despite the rape being followed by the death of the child, the accused young man had acted not animo occidendi but explendi libidinem. Moreover, even apart from the case of the Lucca statutum, the doctrine and the practice had been attested for some time on a rather clear position: willful murder, as to the imposition of the death penalty, could not be equated to negligent murder, not even in case of lata culpa. Following the decisio, the Umbrian magistrate and jurist also dwelt on the position, supported by authoritative doctrine, according to which the death penalty could not be imposed on a minor, not even for very serious offences committed. In this regard, Ludovisi listed a vast number of cases but, despite this, he defined this opinion as falsissima and groundless. The rota magistrate, ultimately, stated that for minors over fourteen the judge had an arbitrium that would allow him to mitigate the ordinary penalty but also to inflict the death sentence. In conclusion, Ludovisi considered that he should nevertheless comply with the ius proprium, that is to say the Lucca statutes. And since these expressly forbade the imposition of capital punishment on children under the age of eighteen, except for the commission of the aforementioned three kinds of crimes, of which, however, the boy was not charged, the adolescent’s life was spared. The learned, justified and to some extent original decisio of Ludovisi - from which the close connection between legislation, science and practice in the ius commune system emerges once again - was not denied by the operative provisions of the judgement. The teenager avoided the death penalty but received an extremely severe sentence: four years in prison and, above all, the destination ad triremes perpetuas. Even the boy's family did not emerge unscathed from the trial, as his father was sentenced to pay a sum of two thousand crowns to the Hospital of the Misericordia of Lucca. Thus concluded a judicial case both disturbing and tragic - for the very small victim, for the very young author of the crime and certainly also for their respective families. In regards to the case, beyond any consideration of the merits of the sentence, the judge and jurist Giuseppe Ludovisi showed in full his technical competence as well as all his commitment to his duties as a representative of legal institutions. The theme of the imputability of minors and of their judicial and punitive treatment in general is certainly complex and delicate, whatever the approach one intends to dedicate to it. For the historian of law, it certainly represents a field still worthy of research and exploration in legal science, in legislation and above all in judicial practice. Here investigation can be made of the transformations and social dynamics on which depends the development of the punishment of those human beings not yet fully mature.
Questo contributo ha ad oggetto lo studio di una decisio del tardo '500 della Rota di Lucca, uno dei Grandi Tribunali istituiti in età moderna in Italia e in Europa. Autore fu Giuseppe Ludovisi, giudice e giurista originario di Assisi, che nel corso della sua carriera ricoprì importanti incarichi, fra i quali quello di auditore delle Rote di Perugia, Lucca e Firenze. Le raccolte delle sue decisiones perugine e lucchesi furono edite per la prima volta, rispettivamente, nel 1572 e nel 1577. Andarono altresì a stampa le sue Conclusiones communes (1581) e le Receptae sententiae (1584). La diciassettesima delle sue decisioni lucchesi concerne un tragico caso di violenza sessuale seguita da morte, reso ancora più drammatico dall'età dell'accusato – un ragazzo di quindici anni – e soprattutto della vittima – una bimba di soli due anni di età. La pronuncia affrontò, con ampia mole di citazioni dottrinali, consiliari, normative e di precedenti giudiziari, due questioni rilevanti nell'ambito della giustizia criminale minorile del tempo. La prima era relativa alla validità della confessione raccolta a seguito di tortura di un minore senza l'assistenza del curatore. La seconda concerneva la pena da infliggere e, in particolare, l'irrogazione della pena capitale nei confronti di un minorenne pubere. Un ragazzo quindicenne era stato accusato di aver violentato la sua nipotina di circa due anni, poi morta a causa delle lesioni subite nelle parti intime. Sulla base degli indizi di colpevolezza il giudice aveva ordinato che il giovane fosse sottoposto a tortura. In conseguenza dei “tormenti” l'adolescente aveva confessato non solo di aver violentato più volte la bambina, ma anche altre condotte illecite (lo stupro di un'altra bambina di sei anni, rapporti sessuali di vario genere, anche sodomiciti). Il Ludovisi, pur attestando che secondo il diritto comune sarebbe stata necessaria la nomina di un curatore in favore del minore, così come stabilito da una costituzione imperiale, si pronunciò per la validità della confessione sulla base di una consuetudo, di fatto contra legem, seguita dalla prassi e anche da molte opinioni dottrinali. A tale conclusione doveva giungersi anche tenuto conto dell'assistenza, nel processo, di due rappresentanti del Senato di Lucca: la loro presenza, infatti, equivaleva a quella del princeps, che de iure suppliva a qualsiasi requisito necessario. Per la punibilità dell'adolescente era data per scontata la sua imputabilità in quanto minorenne pubere e dunque doli capax. In teoria, in considerazione dell'età, il ragazzo sarebbe stato comunque meritevole di una diminuzione di pena ad arbitrio del giudice, fatte salve le fattispecie di crimini dolosi atrocissimi, per i quali si poteva irrogare la pena di morte. Il giudice evidenziò che la natura e l'entità della sanzione andavano valutate alla luce dello statuto della città di Lucca, che regolava la punibilità dei minori degli anni diciotto. Nei loro confronti, infatti, se accusati di un crimen per il quale era prevista una pena corporale, il giudice poteva emettere sentenza di condanna ad una sanzione più mite, considerando la condizione personale, l'età e ovviamente la qualitas facti. Tuttavia, il trattamento di miglior favore non poteva aver luogo per i delitti di lesa maestà, di macchinazione contro la pace e la libertà della città di Lucca e di omicidio doloso. In particolare, poi, secondo il giudice assisano, a quest'ultima fattispecie criminosa andavano assimilate in via di interpretazione estensiva altre ipotesi delittuose in quibus est eadem et maior ratio. Il Ludovisi asserì a tal proposito che per i delitti in questione sembrava ricorrere l'eadem ratio dell'omicidio doloso, anzi una maior ratio avuto riguardo alla gravità della pena e degli altri reati confessati. Su tali presupposti, l'applicazione della norma statutaria lucchese in materia di omicidio doloso pareva ineludibile. Ma, come per la questione relativa alla confessione, il ragionamento del giudice rotale si capovolse: la pena capitale, prevista per l'omicidio doloso non doveva e non poteva essere inflitta nei confronti del ragazzo proprio sulla base della normativa in vigore a Lucca. Diversamente da quanto potesse apparire, in realtà, a dire del magistrato, l'eadem ratio difettava nella sostanza, non sussistendo l'elemento soggettivo dell'omicidio doloso. Infatti, pur essendo seguita allo stupro la morte della bambina, il giovane accusato aveva agito non animo occidendi ma explendi libidinem. Del resto, anche a prescindere dalla disciplina dello statutum lucchese, la dottrina e la prassi si erano attestate da tempo su una posizione piuttosto chiara: l'omicidio doloso, quanto all'irrogazione della pena capitale, non poteva essere equiparato a quello colposo, neanche in caso di lata culpa. Nel seguito della decisio, il magistrato e giurista umbro si soffermò anche sulla posizione, sostenuta da autorevole dottrina, secondo la quale la pena di morte non poteva essere irrogata nei confronti di un minorenne, nemmeno per gravissimi reati dolosi commissivi. Il Ludovisi enumerò a questo proposito una vasta casistica ma, nonostante ciò, definì falsissima e infondata questa opinione. Il magistrato rotale, in definitiva, affermò che per i minori ultraquattordicenni il giudice disponesse di un arbitrium tale da consentirgli di mitigare la pena ordinaria ma anche di infliggere la condanna a morte. In conclusione, gli ritenne di doversi comunque attenere al ius proprium, vale a dire agli statuti lucchesi. E poiché questi espressamente vietavano l'irrogazione della pena capitale nei confronti dei minori degli anni diciotto, tranne che per la commissione dei tre suddetti generi di delitti, dei quali, tuttavia, il ragazzo non era imputato, l'adolescente ebbe salva la vita. La dotta, motivata e per certi versi originale decisio del Ludovisi – dalla quale emerge ancora una volta la stretta connessione tra legislazione, scienza e prassi nel sistema del ius commune - non venne smentita dal dispositivo della sentenza. L'adolescente evitò la pena di morte ma subì una condanna estremamente severa: quattro anni di carcere e, soprattutto, la destinazione successiva ad triremes perpetuas. Anche la famiglia del ragazzo non uscì indenne da quel processo, visto che il padre fu condannato a pagare una somma di duemila scudi da versarsi a favore dell'Ospedale della Misericordia di Lucca. Si chiuse così un caso giudiziario inquietante e tragico – per la piccola vittima, per il giovane autore del crimine e sicuramente anche per le rispettive famiglie – rispetto al quale, al di là di ogni considerazione di merito della sentenza, il giudice e giurista Giuseppe Ludovisi dimostrò di non voler risparmiare, oltreché la sua competenza tecnica, anche tutto il suo impegno di uomo delle istituzioni. Il tema dell'imputabilità dei minori, del loro trattamento giudiziario e punitivo in genere è certamente complesso e delicato, qualunque sia l'approccio che ad esso si intenda dedicare. Per lo storico del diritto, esso rappresenta senz'altro un campo ancora meritevole di ricerche e di scavi, nella scienza giuridica, nella legislazione e soprattutto nella prassi giudiziaria, ove più concretamente possono indagarsi trasformazioni e dinamiche sociali da cui dipende l'evolversi della risposta sanzionatoria nei confronti dell'essere umano non ancora pienamente maturo.
Mancuso, F. (2019). Tortura, confessione e pena di morte: un tragico caso di violenza sessuale minorile deciso dalla Rota di Lucca nel XVI secolo. ITALIAN REVIEW OF LEGAL HISTORY, 5(1), 1-37 [10.13130/2464-8914/12609].
Tortura, confessione e pena di morte: un tragico caso di violenza sessuale minorile deciso dalla Rota di Lucca nel XVI secolo
Fulvio Mancuso
This paper deals with the study of a late 16th century decisio by the Rota of Lucca, one of the major courts established in modern times in Italy and Europe. The author was Giuseppe Ludovisi, judge and jurist from Assisi, who during his career held important positions, including that of auditor of the Rota of Perugia, Lucca and Florence. The collections of his Perugian and Lucchese decisiones were published respectively, in 1572 and 1577. His Conclusiones communes (1581) and the Receptae sententiae (1584) also went to print. The seventeenth of his decisiones in Lucca concern a tragic case of sexual violence followed by death, made even more dramatic by the age of the accused - a boy of fifteen - and above all the victim - a child of only two years of age. With numerous doctrinal, advisory and normative citations and judicial precedent, the ruling dealt with two important issues in the context of juvenile criminal justice of the time. The first related to the validity of the confession extracted following torture of a child without the assistance of a curator. The second concerned the penalty to be imposed and, in particular, the imposition of the death penalty on a pubescent minor. A fifteen-year-old boy was accused of raping his two-year-old granddaughter, who later died as a result of injuries sustained in her private parts. On the basis of evidence of guilt the judge had ordered that the young man be subjected to torture. As a result of said "torments" the adolescent had confessed not only to have raped the girl several times, but also to other illicit behaviors (the rape of another six-year-old girl, sexual intercourse of various kinds, including sodomy). Ludovisi attested that according to the ius commune the appointment of a curator in favor of the minor would have been necessary, as established by an imperial constitution. Nevertheless, Ludovisi ultimately accepted the validity of the confession on the basis of a consuetudo, though contra legem, followed in practice and also in many doctrinal opinions. This conclusion must have been reached by also taking into account the assistance, in the trial, of two representatives of the Senate of Lucca, whose presence was equivalent to that of the princeps, which de jure substitutes for any necessary requirement. Because of the punishment of the adolescent, his imputability was taken for granted as a pubescent minor and therefore as a doli capax. In theory, in light of his age, the boy would still have been worthy of a reduction of sentence by arbitrary decision of the judge, without prejudice to the cases of extremely willful atrocissimi crimes, for which the death penalty could be imposed. However, the judge indicated that the nature and extent of the sanction had to be assessed in light of the statute of the city of Lucca, which regulated the punishment of minors under eighteen years of age. In such cases, in fact, if a minor was accused of a crimen for which a corporal punishment was envisaged, a judge could still issue a sentence for a milder sanction, considering the personal condition, age and obviously the qualitas facti. However, the most favorable treatment could not have taken place for the crimes laese maiestatis, of machination against the peace and freedom of the city of Lucca and of willful murder. In particular, then, according to the judge from Assisi, other criminal hypotheses in quibus est eadem et maior ratio were to be assimilated to this latter criminal offense. In this regard, Ludovisi asserted that for the crimes in question the reckoning of the eadem ratio of willful homicide seemed to occur, indeed a major ratio concerning the severity of the sentence and the other confessed crimes. On these assumptions, the application of the statute rule of Lucca concerning willful murder seemed unavoidable. But, as for the question relating to confession, the reasoning of the rotal judge was reversed: capital punishment, foreseen for willful murder, should not and could not be imposed on the boy precisely on the basis of the legislation in force in Lucca. According to the magistrate, contrary to appearance, in reality the eadem ratio lacked in substance, as there was no subjective element of willful murder. In fact, despite the rape being followed by the death of the child, the accused young man had acted not animo occidendi but explendi libidinem. Moreover, even apart from the case of the Lucca statutum, the doctrine and the practice had been attested for some time on a rather clear position: willful murder, as to the imposition of the death penalty, could not be equated to negligent murder, not even in case of lata culpa. Following the decisio, the Umbrian magistrate and jurist also dwelt on the position, supported by authoritative doctrine, according to which the death penalty could not be imposed on a minor, not even for very serious offences committed. In this regard, Ludovisi listed a vast number of cases but, despite this, he defined this opinion as falsissima and groundless. The rota magistrate, ultimately, stated that for minors over fourteen the judge had an arbitrium that would allow him to mitigate the ordinary penalty but also to inflict the death sentence. In conclusion, Ludovisi considered that he should nevertheless comply with the ius proprium, that is to say the Lucca statutes. And since these expressly forbade the imposition of capital punishment on children under the age of eighteen, except for the commission of the aforementioned three kinds of crimes, of which, however, the boy was not charged, the adolescent’s life was spared. The learned, justified and to some extent original decisio of Ludovisi - from which the close connection between legislation, science and practice in the ius commune system emerges once again - was not denied by the operative provisions of the judgement. The teenager avoided the death penalty but received an extremely severe sentence: four years in prison and, above all, the destination ad triremes perpetuas. Even the boy's family did not emerge unscathed from the trial, as his father was sentenced to pay a sum of two thousand crowns to the Hospital of the Misericordia of Lucca. Thus concluded a judicial case both disturbing and tragic - for the very small victim, for the very young author of the crime and certainly also for their respective families. In regards to the case, beyond any consideration of the merits of the sentence, the judge and jurist Giuseppe Ludovisi showed in full his technical competence as well as all his commitment to his duties as a representative of legal institutions. The theme of the imputability of minors and of their judicial and punitive treatment in general is certainly complex and delicate, whatever the approach one intends to dedicate to it. For the historian of law, it certainly represents a field still worthy of research and exploration in legal science, in legislation and above all in judicial practice. Here investigation can be made of the transformations and social dynamics on which depends the development of the punishment of those human beings not yet fully mature.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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