The Bible anglo-normande and the Bible de Jean de Sy are two 14th-century French biblical translations of considerable interest, but still largely unexplored. The present study aims to provide a critical edition of the book of Deuteronomy of the Bible anglo-normande (hereafter B.a.n.) and the Bible de Jean de Sy (BJdS) and to clarify the relationship between the two Bibles through the comparative analysis of the two translations. The field of investigation is limited to Deuteronomy, a completely unexplored section in both translations, unlike Genesis and Exodus, of which the REVOL 2006 edition and the recent study by SCHWALLER 2023 are available for the B.a.n.. The choice of Deuteronomy allows us to examine a book of the Bible, which alternates short narrative passages with legal and religious prescriptions - starting with Moses' retelling of the Ten Commandments (Dt. V, 1-21) -, unlike Leviticus, in which the legislative aspect predominates. Moreover, Deuteronomy does not present the reiteration of fixed phrases that turn entire chapters of Numbers into monotonous lists, perhaps less significant from the point of view of translation. The present study is therefore intended as a first step towards a more complete edition of two important medieval French translations of the Bible, as well as a starting point for future linguistic, translation and lexical studies. The first chapter proposes a cultural-historical background of the two Bibles, with a special focus on their circulation contexts: 14th-century England and the royal court of Jean le Bon. It will also explore the BJdS's exegetical gloss and the potential connection between the B.a.n. and a 13th-century translation made in the Holy Land, the so-called Bible d'Acre. The second chapter investigates the relations between the two translations and their respective Latin sources. Within the vast tradition of the Vulgate, we will try to identify to which Latin family the sources used for the redaction of the B.a.n. and the BJdS belong. We will analyse in detail the textual evidence suggesting a revision on the Latin Vulgate in the two branches of the B.a.n. tradition. The third chapter deals with the controversial relationship between the B.a.n. and the BJdS, also through comparison with other medieval translations (Bible d'Acre and Bible du XIIIe siècle). The fourth chapter is dedicated to the linguistic analysis: for the B.a.n., we will mainly examine the ms. L, manuscrit de surface of the edition; for the BJdS, a preliminary study of the most relevant features will be conducted, in the absence of other linguistic studies on the witness. The description of the manuscripts and the explanation of the criteria adopted for the constitutio textus (fifth chapter) precede the critical edition of the book of Deuteronomy in the B.a.n. and the BJdS (sixth chapter). Both editions are followed by commentary notes; after Jean de Sy’s text we present a list of the sources mentioned in the gloss.

La Bible anglo-normande e la Bible de Jean de Sy sono due volgarizzamenti biblici in lingua d’oïl del XIV secolo di considerevole interesse, ma tuttora scarsamente indagati. Il presente studio mira a fornire un’edizione critica del libro del Deuteronomio della Bible anglo-normande (d’ora in avanti B.a.n.) e della Bible de Jean de Sy (BJdS) e a chiarire la relazione tra le due bibbie mediante l’analisi comparativa dei due volgarizzamenti. Il campo d’indagine è circoscritto al Deuteronomio, in quanto sezione completamente inesplorata di entrambe le traduzioni, al contrario della Genesi e dell’Esodo, dei quali sono disponibili per la B.a.n. l’edizione REVOL 2006 e il recente studio di SCHWALLER 2023. La scelta del Deuteronomio consentirà di esaminare un libro della Bibbia dal carattere eterogeneo, che alterna brevi brani narrativi a prescrizioni giuridico-religiose - a cominciare dalla rievocazione dei Dieci comandamenti da parte di Mosè (Dt V, 1-21) -, diversamente dal Levitico, nel quale l’aspetto legislativo è nettamente predominante. Inoltre, il Deuteronomio è esente dalla reiterazione di formule fisse che riducono interi capitoli del libro dei Numeri a monotoni elenchi, forse meno significativi dal punto di vista della traduzione. Invitiamo dunque a considerare il presente lavoro come un primo passo verso un’edizione più completa di due importanti traduzioni medievali della Bibbia in francese, nonché come base per futuri studi traduttologici, linguistici e lessicali. Il capitolo 1 propone un inquadramento storico-culturale delle due traduzioni, con particolare attenzione ai rispettivi contesti di circolazione: l’Inghilterra del XIV secolo e la corte reale di Jean le Bon. Si approfondiranno inoltre l’esteso commento esegetico della BJdS e la potenziale relazione tra la B.a.n. e una traduzione duecentesca confezionata in Terra Santa, la cosiddetta Bible d’Acre. Il capitolo 2 è dedicato allo studio dei rapporti tra i due volgarizzamenti e le rispettive fonti latine. All’interno della vasta tradizione della Vulgata si cercherà di individuare la famiglia di appartenenza dei modelli latini utilizzati come base di traduzione per la B.a.n. e per la BJdS. Si analizzeranno dettagliatamente gli indizi testuali compatibili con una dinamica di revisione sulla Vulgata nei rami della B.a.n.. Nel capitolo 3 è affrontata la delicata questione del rapporto tra la B.a.n. e la BJdS, anche mediante il confronto con un corpus di controllo costituito da Bible d’Acre e Bible du XIIIe siècle. Il capitolo 4 presenta l’esame linguistico dei testimoni: per la B.a.n., l’analisi verterà principalmente sul ms. L, manuscrit de surface dell’edizione; per la BJdS si condurrà uno studio preliminare dei tratti di maggior rilievo, in mancanza di studi anteriori sulla veste linguistica del codice. Una Nota ai testi (capitolo 5), con le schede codicologiche e l’esplicitazione dei criteri di trascrizione e di ricostruzione testuale, precede le edizioni del libro del Deuteronomio nella B.a.n. e della BJdS (capitolo 6). Entrambi i testi sono corredati da note di commento filologico-letterario; per quanto riguarda il solo volgarizzamento di Jean de Sy, si offre inoltre un sintetico elenco delle fonti citate dal domenicano.

Bellenzier, C. (2024). “Bible anglo-normande" e "Bible de Jean de Sy”: volgarizzamenti biblici a confronto. Edizione e studio del libro del “Deuteronomio” [10.25434/bellenzier-caterina_phd2024-07-08].

“Bible anglo-normande" e "Bible de Jean de Sy”: volgarizzamenti biblici a confronto. Edizione e studio del libro del “Deuteronomio”

Bellenzier, Caterina


The Bible anglo-normande and the Bible de Jean de Sy are two 14th-century French biblical translations of considerable interest, but still largely unexplored. The present study aims to provide a critical edition of the book of Deuteronomy of the Bible anglo-normande (hereafter B.a.n.) and the Bible de Jean de Sy (BJdS) and to clarify the relationship between the two Bibles through the comparative analysis of the two translations. The field of investigation is limited to Deuteronomy, a completely unexplored section in both translations, unlike Genesis and Exodus, of which the REVOL 2006 edition and the recent study by SCHWALLER 2023 are available for the B.a.n.. The choice of Deuteronomy allows us to examine a book of the Bible, which alternates short narrative passages with legal and religious prescriptions - starting with Moses' retelling of the Ten Commandments (Dt. V, 1-21) -, unlike Leviticus, in which the legislative aspect predominates. Moreover, Deuteronomy does not present the reiteration of fixed phrases that turn entire chapters of Numbers into monotonous lists, perhaps less significant from the point of view of translation. The present study is therefore intended as a first step towards a more complete edition of two important medieval French translations of the Bible, as well as a starting point for future linguistic, translation and lexical studies. The first chapter proposes a cultural-historical background of the two Bibles, with a special focus on their circulation contexts: 14th-century England and the royal court of Jean le Bon. It will also explore the BJdS's exegetical gloss and the potential connection between the B.a.n. and a 13th-century translation made in the Holy Land, the so-called Bible d'Acre. The second chapter investigates the relations between the two translations and their respective Latin sources. Within the vast tradition of the Vulgate, we will try to identify to which Latin family the sources used for the redaction of the B.a.n. and the BJdS belong. We will analyse in detail the textual evidence suggesting a revision on the Latin Vulgate in the two branches of the B.a.n. tradition. The third chapter deals with the controversial relationship between the B.a.n. and the BJdS, also through comparison with other medieval translations (Bible d'Acre and Bible du XIIIe siècle). The fourth chapter is dedicated to the linguistic analysis: for the B.a.n., we will mainly examine the ms. L, manuscrit de surface of the edition; for the BJdS, a preliminary study of the most relevant features will be conducted, in the absence of other linguistic studies on the witness. The description of the manuscripts and the explanation of the criteria adopted for the constitutio textus (fifth chapter) precede the critical edition of the book of Deuteronomy in the B.a.n. and the BJdS (sixth chapter). Both editions are followed by commentary notes; after Jean de Sy’s text we present a list of the sources mentioned in the gloss.
Lefèvre, Sylvie
Bellenzier, C. (2024). “Bible anglo-normande" e "Bible de Jean de Sy”: volgarizzamenti biblici a confronto. Edizione e studio del libro del “Deuteronomio” [10.25434/bellenzier-caterina_phd2024-07-08].
Bellenzier, Caterina
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