This work aims to contribute to the development of adequate criteria and indicators useful for the achievement of the Good Environmental Status (GES) as expected by Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) (2008/56/CE). Indeed, the Marine Strategy Directive and the European Community Decision on methodological standard (477/2010/EU) state that ecosystemic indicators are not adequately developed and they need a further study to assign a quantitative and measurable value to the different descriptors. The current knowledge on a national and regional basis is not satisfactory so the aim of this phd is also to contribute to the improvement of the knowledge of the basic skills, useful and essential for the definition of the indicators. The study focuses on Italian Seas, Tuscany area (North-western Mediterranean Sea) and monitoring activity is the core of the work. As part of the activities of the Environmental Protection Agencies (ARPA), now united with ISPRA in the National Network System for the Protection of the Environment (SNPA), the phd work proposes the increase of monitoring and investigation programs to contribute to reduce knowledge gaps on the topics of descriptors 8 and 9 (contamination), 1 (Biodiversity), 4 (Food webs) and 10 (state, composition, dispersion and impacts of waste at sea). The Cetaceans, Elasmobranchs and Sea Turtle Stranding Network (CESTSN) in Tuscany (Italy, north-western Mediterranean) has been operating since 1980. More recently, it was implemented thanks to the former Tuscany Observatory for Cetacean, now Tuscan Observatory for Biodiversity (Osservatorio Toscano Biodiversità, OTB) sensu art. 11 L.R. 30/2015. Thanks to the activity of the network, a great amount of data about large marine vertebrate were collected: 747 cetaceans, period 1986-2022; 360 striped dolphins Stenella coeruleoalba, 242 bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus, 145 other cetaceans species. 1035 sea turtles, period 1990-2022; 1012 loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta, 12 leatherback turtles Dermochelys coriacea, 11 green turtles Chelonia mydas; 222 cartilaginous fishes, period 2007-2022; discussed here 112 “juveniles” individuals of pelagic species such as grey shark Carcharhinus plumbeus (n = 14), blue shark Prionace glauca (n = 66), mako shark Isurus oxyrinchus (n = 16), manta ray Mobula mobular (n = 5), thresher shark Alopias vulpinus (n = 7) and the sixgill shark Hexanchus griseus (n = 4). Diet was investigated for 85 striped dolphins and 113 loggerhead sea turtles individuals. Among these, 70 gastrointestinal tracts of C.caretta were also investigated for marine litter presence (qualitative and quantitative analyses). Also, for 37 pelagic sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus n=6, Prionace glauca n=16, Alopias vulpinus n=6, Carcharhinus plumbeus n=8 and Carcharhinus obscurus n=1) stomach contents were analysed. Osteichthyes and cephalopods are the much more represented prey for both striped dolphin and pelagic sharks, bony fishes prevailing in number and cephalopods in weight. Crustaceans and gastropods molluscs are indeed favourite prey for loggerhead sea turtle. Analysis of Per- and PolyFluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in stranded or accidentally caught striped dolphins (n=26), loggerhead sea turtles (n=2), sharks (n=9) and their preys (n=11) was performed. But also, contamination by persistent organic pollutants (POPs) was investigated in the same species: 36 striped dolphins, 33 loggerhead sea turtles, 18 pelagic elasmobranchs (2 thresher sharks, 7 blue sharks, 5 grey sharks, 3 mako sharks and 1 manta ray). The work carried out highlights how the institutional activities, or linked to specific projects, carried out by the environmental Agencies, provide a large amount of information relating to biodiversity, spatial distribution of some key species (for instance apex predators), the relationships among different groups (for example trophic ones). Last but not least, we can affirm that monitoring of persistent contaminant for biota is a priority, especially for Mediterranean basin, considered a hotspot of contamination. Monitoring is fundamental to gather information that can help evaluation of the health status of the species, to improve conservation measures and a correct management.

Questo lavoro ha lo scopo di contribuire ad aggiungere informazioni per adeguare i criteri e gli indicatori utili al raggiungimento del buono stato ambientale (Good Environmental Status, GES) come previsto dalla Direttiva sulla Strategia Marina (Marine Strategy Framework Directive, MSFD) (2008/56/CE). Infatti, la decisione sugli standard metodologici della Strategia Marina (477/2010/EU) afferma che gli indicatori ecosistemici non sono stati adeguatamente sviluppati e necessitano ulteriori studi ed approfondimenti per assegnare valori quantitativi e misurabili ai diversi descrittori. Le conoscenze attuali su base nazionale e regionale non è soddisfacente quindi lo scopo del lavoro di dottorato è teso a contribuire all’implementazione di conoscenze relative alle competenze di base, utile ed a volte essenziale per la definizione di indicatori utili. Lo studio si focalizza su una porzione di mare Italiano, l’area Toscana (Mediterraneo nord-occidentale) e l’attività di monitoraggio rappresenta il “cuore” del lavoro. Nell’ambito delle attività delle Agenzie di Protezione Ambientale (ARPA), adesso riunite con ISPRA nel Sistema Nazionale a rete per la Protezione dell’Ambiente (SNPA), il lavoro di dottorato propone l’incremento di programmi di monitoraggio e indagine per contribuire a ridurre le lacune conoscitive sui temi dei descrittori 8 e 9 (contaminazione), 1 (Biodiversità), 4 (Reti trofiche) e 10 (stato, composizione, dispersione e impatti dei rifiuti in mare). La rete di recupero cetacei, tartarughe, elasmobranchi in Toscana (Italia, Mediterraneo nord occidentale) opera dagli anni ottanta. Più recentemente è stata implementata grazie all’attività del precedente Osservatorio Toscano Cetacei, ora Osservatorio Toscano Biodiversità (OTB) sensu art. 11 L.R. 30/2015. Grazie all’attività del network toscano, un gran numero di dati relativi ai grandi vertebrati marini è stato raccolto: 747 individui di cetacei, per il periodo 1986-2022; 360 stenelle Stenella coeruleoalba, 242 tursiopi Tursiops truncatus, 145 individui di altre specie di cetacei. 1035 individui di tartaruga marina, per il periodo 1990-2022; 1012 di tartaruga comune Caretta caretta, 12 di tartaruga liuto Dermochelys coriacea, 11 di tartaruga verde Chelonia mydas; 222 pesci cartilaginei, per il periodo 2007-2022; nel presente lavoro la trattazione riguarda 112 individui “giovanili” di specie pelagiche come lo squalo grigio Carcharhinus plumbeus (n = 14), la verdesca Prionace glauca (n = 66), il mako Isurus oxyrinchus (n = 16), la manta Mobula mobular (n = 5), lo squalo volpe Alopias vulpinus (n = 7) e il capopiatto Hexanchus griseus (n = 4). La dieta è stata analizzata per 85 individui di stenella striata e 113 individui di tartaruga comune. Tra questi esemplari di tartaruga, sono stati esaminati i tratti gastrointestinali di 70 individui anche per indagare la presenza di marine litter (analisi qualitativa e quantitativa), oltre che di cibo. Anche il contenuto stomacale di 37 squali pelagici (Isurus oxyrinchus n=6, Prionace glauca n=16, Alopias vulpinus n=6, Carcharhinus plumbeus n=8 and Carcharhinus obscurus n=1) è stato analizzato. I pesci ossei e I cefalopodi sono le prede maggiormente rappresentative sia per la stenella che per gli squali pelagici; i pesci sono predominanti come numero, i cefalopodi come peso. Crostacei e molluschi gasteropodi sono invece le prede “preferite” per la tartaruga comune. L’analisi delle sostanze Per- and PolyFluoroalchiliche (PFAS) è stata Condotta su individui spiaggiati o catturati accidentalmente di stenella striata (n=26), tartaruga comune (n=2), squali pelagici (n=9) e le loro prede (n=11) was performed. Anche la contaminazione da sostanze organiche persistenti (POPs) è stata indagata nelle stesse specie: 36 stenelle striate, 33 tartarughe comuni, 18 elasmobranchi pelagici (2 squali volpe, 7 verdesche, 5 squali grigi, 3 mako e 1 manta). Il lavoro svolto evidenzia come le attività di monitoraggio istituzionali, o legate a progetti specifici, portate avanti dalle Agenzia ambientali, forniscano una grande mole di informazioni relative alla biodiversità, alla distribuzione spaziale di alcune specie chiave (predatori apicali, specie di attenzione da un punto di vista conservazionistico ecc.), agli impatti, alle relazioni che si instaurano tra i diversi gruppi (ad esempio preda-predatore), alla definizione di aree di tutela, ad esempio nell’ambito della Rete Natura 2000, o alle aree di nursery. E infine, ma non meno importante, possiamo affermare che il monitoraggio dei contaminanti persistenti nel biota è una priorità, specialmente per il bacino Mediterraneo, considerato un hotspot di biodiversità. Il monitoraggio è fondamentale per raccogliere informazioni che possano supportare la valutazione dello stato di salute delle specie, implementare le misure di conservazione e la loro corretta gestione.

Mancusi, C. (2024). Biodiversity, trophic web and contamination: processing criteria and indicators for the definition of the Good Environmental Status (GES) for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD, 2008/56/CE) [10.25434/cecilia-mancusi_phd2024-06-11].

Biodiversity, trophic web and contamination: processing criteria and indicators for the definition of the Good Environmental Status (GES) for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD, 2008/56/CE)

Cecilia Mancusi


This work aims to contribute to the development of adequate criteria and indicators useful for the achievement of the Good Environmental Status (GES) as expected by Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) (2008/56/CE). Indeed, the Marine Strategy Directive and the European Community Decision on methodological standard (477/2010/EU) state that ecosystemic indicators are not adequately developed and they need a further study to assign a quantitative and measurable value to the different descriptors. The current knowledge on a national and regional basis is not satisfactory so the aim of this phd is also to contribute to the improvement of the knowledge of the basic skills, useful and essential for the definition of the indicators. The study focuses on Italian Seas, Tuscany area (North-western Mediterranean Sea) and monitoring activity is the core of the work. As part of the activities of the Environmental Protection Agencies (ARPA), now united with ISPRA in the National Network System for the Protection of the Environment (SNPA), the phd work proposes the increase of monitoring and investigation programs to contribute to reduce knowledge gaps on the topics of descriptors 8 and 9 (contamination), 1 (Biodiversity), 4 (Food webs) and 10 (state, composition, dispersion and impacts of waste at sea). The Cetaceans, Elasmobranchs and Sea Turtle Stranding Network (CESTSN) in Tuscany (Italy, north-western Mediterranean) has been operating since 1980. More recently, it was implemented thanks to the former Tuscany Observatory for Cetacean, now Tuscan Observatory for Biodiversity (Osservatorio Toscano Biodiversità, OTB) sensu art. 11 L.R. 30/2015. Thanks to the activity of the network, a great amount of data about large marine vertebrate were collected: 747 cetaceans, period 1986-2022; 360 striped dolphins Stenella coeruleoalba, 242 bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus, 145 other cetaceans species. 1035 sea turtles, period 1990-2022; 1012 loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta, 12 leatherback turtles Dermochelys coriacea, 11 green turtles Chelonia mydas; 222 cartilaginous fishes, period 2007-2022; discussed here 112 “juveniles” individuals of pelagic species such as grey shark Carcharhinus plumbeus (n = 14), blue shark Prionace glauca (n = 66), mako shark Isurus oxyrinchus (n = 16), manta ray Mobula mobular (n = 5), thresher shark Alopias vulpinus (n = 7) and the sixgill shark Hexanchus griseus (n = 4). Diet was investigated for 85 striped dolphins and 113 loggerhead sea turtles individuals. Among these, 70 gastrointestinal tracts of C.caretta were also investigated for marine litter presence (qualitative and quantitative analyses). Also, for 37 pelagic sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus n=6, Prionace glauca n=16, Alopias vulpinus n=6, Carcharhinus plumbeus n=8 and Carcharhinus obscurus n=1) stomach contents were analysed. Osteichthyes and cephalopods are the much more represented prey for both striped dolphin and pelagic sharks, bony fishes prevailing in number and cephalopods in weight. Crustaceans and gastropods molluscs are indeed favourite prey for loggerhead sea turtle. Analysis of Per- and PolyFluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in stranded or accidentally caught striped dolphins (n=26), loggerhead sea turtles (n=2), sharks (n=9) and their preys (n=11) was performed. But also, contamination by persistent organic pollutants (POPs) was investigated in the same species: 36 striped dolphins, 33 loggerhead sea turtles, 18 pelagic elasmobranchs (2 thresher sharks, 7 blue sharks, 5 grey sharks, 3 mako sharks and 1 manta ray). The work carried out highlights how the institutional activities, or linked to specific projects, carried out by the environmental Agencies, provide a large amount of information relating to biodiversity, spatial distribution of some key species (for instance apex predators), the relationships among different groups (for example trophic ones). Last but not least, we can affirm that monitoring of persistent contaminant for biota is a priority, especially for Mediterranean basin, considered a hotspot of contamination. Monitoring is fundamental to gather information that can help evaluation of the health status of the species, to improve conservation measures and a correct management.
Baino Teodosio Romano
Mancusi, C. (2024). Biodiversity, trophic web and contamination: processing criteria and indicators for the definition of the Good Environmental Status (GES) for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD, 2008/56/CE) [10.25434/cecilia-mancusi_phd2024-06-11].
Mancusi, Cecilia
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