The dissertation is about procedural themes inherent in the law of criminal evidence, with particular reference to the delicate issue of evidence that is invalid because it is unusable due to violation of exclusionary rules and to the relations of interference and osmosis that are frequently established between criminal trials and judgments of another nature, with particular reference to mechanisms known as the circulation of evidence. The questions the research attempts to offer an adequate answer are essentially two. In order to satisfy the epistemological afflatus that naturally moves any judicial experience when criminal evidence is transferred from one judgment to another, thus making it usable for the decision to be rendered on the regiudicanda of the destination court, what remains of the genetic defect of the ‘borrowed evidence’? Even before that, given the structural differences that seem to make different areas of jurisdiction incommunicable, within what limits is it permissible to export cognitive data formed according to a given format of judicial knowledge construction elsewhere? The thesis reflects, in the first instance, on the application of the best acquisitions of analytical philosophy to procedural discipline. Then, we dwell on the historical-systematic justification of the procedural phenomenon under investigation in order to clarify the rationale with specific regard to the intersystemic osmotic dynamics, also in the light of the constitutional coordinates of reference (in particular, the norms inherent to due process relating to the judicial epistemology accredited by the legal system). The discourse then unravels in search of a foundation of legitimacy that justifies the activation of evidentiary circulation devices, at the level of each procedural system. The starting assumption is the observation that, apart from the explicit legislative indices provided for criminal proceedings, as far as trials of a different nature are concerned, there is no trace of any express disciplinary reference to the circulation of evidence, even though in practice it is used extensively and insistently precisely because of the proven epistemological usefulness of the phenomenon. Therefore, we scrutinize the regulatory panorama to find at least some indications of the favor legislatoris for the activation of the evidence exchange also concerning different trials, exclude that the structural differences are per se and absolutely an insurmountable obstacle to the circulation of evidence and highlight the peculiar metamorphic dynamic that allows in practice to allogeneic evidence to circulate from the trial of origin to those of arrival (i.e., the assumption of the documental guise). After that, on the one hand, an examination is conducted that unwinds along the most thorny exegetical aspects relating to the interpretation of Article 238 of the Code of Criminal Procedure in order to highlight certain inconsistencies with respect to the substratum of principles canonized in the Constitution in terms of the right to evidence. On the other hand, the substantialist approach with which both civil doctrine and jurisprudence deal with the circulation of evidentiary material is examined critically. In particular, we highlight the unacceptability of the choice of using evaluative criteria to legitimize the entry of allogenic elements into the evidentiary complex, a choice favored both by the lack of a normative substratum of reference and by the formal documentary (dis-)guise assumed by the circulating evidence, thanks to which the practice extends to them the same approach adopted with regard to actual documents, which are deemed not to require a prior admissibility check. Moreover, we highlight the lack of persuasiveness of the dogmatic categories with which extra-moenia evidence is clothed, all of which tend - but in an unsupportable key - to de-emphasize the informational value of evidentiary material of external origin. In the last part of the work, the analysis focuses on the second pole of the research, i.e., the fate to be devoted to evidence that is vitiated insofar as it was acquired in breach of rules of evidentiary exclusion (of an epistemological or ethical-deontological nature) and that is placed in channels of instructive transmigration. The examination is based on the observation that, even in the absence of the provision of a cause of invalidity of evidence analogous to the non-usability valid under Article 191 of the Code of Criminal Procedure for criminal evidence, even in extra-criminal systems, there are rules concerning the admissibility of evidence that share the general rationes of non-usability. This leads to the observation that the vitiating mechanism of criminal evidence can be traced back to the category of inadmissibility (the violation of which entails the infeasibility of the element for decisional purposes), bringing the discourse on vitiated evidence back to a linguistic tenor also shared with systems that do not know the sanction of unusability. The dissertation goes on, then, with the evaluation of the exportability of criminal exclusionary rules in such a way that the civil judge ad quem who is faced with allogenic evidence of a criminal nature can scrutinize its validity at the time of its primigenial formation in the original place, as well as its consistency and therefore legitimacy according to the evidentiary paradigms of the target system. The distinction that is drawn is that between exclusionary rules with an ethical-deontological foundation, of which more rigorous ubiquitous applicability is preached, also on the basis of enlightened approaches of the United Sections of the Supreme Court and exclusionary rules with an epistemological foundation, the exportation of which elsewhere requires a more careful weighing of the consistency of the same with the cognitive techniques adopted by each trial microcosm. Once these results have been reached, faced with the ascertainment of the lack of an ad hoc procedural module with which, in non-criminal venues, this preventive - and, in our opinion, indispensable - sorting of the evidentiary material of criminal origin can be conducted, to recover as much as possible the dialectical spaces of the parties and effectively protect the judge’s lack of jurisdiction, a de iure condendo proposal is elaborated. In particular, on the basis of the indications offered by Article 698 of the Code of Criminal Procedure on the subject of preventive instruction and Article 238 of the Code of Criminal Procedure interpreted extensively, we outline what should be the unavoidable junctions of a particular preliminary examination procedure for criminal evidence to be introduced into extra-criminal systems that appear capable of holding together all the requirements of primary importance highlighted in the course of the dissertation.

Il lavoro tocca tematiche processualistiche inerenti al diritto delle prove penali, con particolare riferimento alla delicata questione della prova invalida in quanto inutilizzabile per violazione di regole di esclusione e ai rapporti di interferenza ed osmosi che si instaurano, con frequenza, tra processo criminale e giudizi di altra natura, con precipuo riferimento a meccanismi noti come circolazione probatoria. Ebbene, le domande cui la ricerca tenta di offrire adeguata risposta sono essenzialmente due. Nel contesto di dinamiche nelle quali, specie se per soddisfare l’afflato epistemologico che muove naturalmente qualsiasi esperienza giudiziale, si trasferisca materiale istruttorio penale da un giudizio all’altro, rendendolo così fruibile per la decisione da rendersi sulla regiudicanda della sede di destinazione, cosa resta del vizio genetico della ‘prova prestata’? Ancora prima, a fronte delle differenze strutturali che sembrano rendere incomunicabili le istruttorie condotte in differenti settori della giurisdizione, entro quali limiti risulta consentito esportare altrove dati cognitivi formati secondo un dato format di costruzione della conoscenza giudiziale? Dopo un'analisi condotta sul filo della filosofia analitica e dell'epistemologia giudiziaria, ci si sofferma sulla giustificazione storico-sistematica del fenomeno processuale oggetto d’indagine, per chiarirne, anche al lume delle coordinate costituzionali di riferimento (in specie, le norme inerenti al giusto processo relative all’epistemologia giudiziaria accreditata dall’ordinamento), la ratio con specifico riguardo per le dinamiche osmotiche discorso si dipana poi alla ricerca di un fondamento di legittimità che, a livello di ciascun singolo sistema processuale, giustifichi l’attivazione di marchingegni di circolazione probatoria. L’assunto di partenza è la constatazione che, salvo espliciti indici legislativi previsti per il rito penale, per quanto concerne processi di altra, diversa natura non vi è traccia di alcun riferimento disciplinare espresso alla circolazione probatoria, quantunque nella prassi se ne faccia ampio ed insistito uso proprio per la constatata proficuità epistemologica del fenomeno.Dunque, scandagliato il panorama normativo per rinvenire quantomeno alcuni indizi del favor legislatoris per l’attivazione dell’interscambio istruttorio anche con riguardo a processi differenti, escluso che le divergenze strutturali siano di per sé ed in assoluto un ostacolo insormontabile per la circolazione istruttoria e messa in risalto la peculiare dinamica metamorfica che consente in concreto alle prove allogene di circolare dal processo d’origine a quelli di approdo (i.e., l’assunzione della veste documentale), per un verso, si conduce una disamina che si snoda lungo i più spinosi aspetti esegetici relativi all’interpretazione dell’art. 238 c.p.p. per porne in risalto talune incoerenze rispetto al substrato di princìpi canonizzati in Costituzione in punto di diritto delle prove. Per altro verso, si approfondisce in chiave critica l’approccio sostanzialista con il quale tanto la dottrina quanto la giurisprudenza extrapenali affrontano il tema della circolazione di materiale istruttorio. In specie, si pone in evidenza la non condivisibilità della scelta di adoperare criteri valutativi per legittimare l’ingresso nel plesso probatorio di elementi allogeni, scelta favorita e dalla mancanza di un substrato normativo di riferimento e dalla veste formale documentale assunta dalle prove circolanti, in forza della quale la prassi estende loro il medesimo approccio adottato con riguardo ai veri e propri documenti, ritenuti non necessitanti un preventivo vaglio di ammissibilità. Peraltro, si mette in evidenza la scarsa persuasività delle categorie dogmatiche delle quali vengono rivestite le prove extra moenia, tutte protese – ma in chiave non condivisibile – alla dequotazione del valore informativo del materiale probatorio di origine esterna. Nell’ultima parte del lavoro, l’analisi si incentra sul secondo polo della ricerca, vale a dire la sorte da dedicare a quelle prove viziate in quanto acquisite violando regole di esclusione probatoria (di stampo epistemologico ovvero etico-deontico) che per avventura si trovino immesse in canali di trasmigrazione istruttoria. La disamina fonda sulla constatazione che, pur in mancanza della previsione di una causa di invalidità delle prove analoga all’inutilizzabilità valevole ex art. 191 c.p.p. per le prove penali, anche nei sistemi extrapenali sono rinvenibili regole concernenti l’ammissibilità delle prove che dell’inutilizzabilità condividono le rationes generali. Di qui, si perviene alla constatazione che il meccanismo viziante delle prove penali può essere ricondotto alla categoria dell’inammissibilità (la cui violazione comporta l’infruibilità dell’elemento a fini decisori), riconducendo il discorso sulla prova viziata su un tenore linguistico condiviso anche con sistemi che non conoscono la sanzione dell’inutilizzabilità. Si prosegue, poi, con la valutazione – a tratti casistica, ma tentandone una riconduzione ad unità – dell’esportabilità delle regole di esclusione penalistiche in modo tale che il giudice civile ad quem che si trovi dinanzi ad una prova allogena di natura penale possa scrutinarne la validità nel momento della sua primigenia formazione nella sede d’origine, oltreché la coerenza e dunque legittimità secondo i paradigmi probatori del sistema di destinazione. La distinzione che si traccia è quella tra exclusionary rules a fondo etico-deontico, di cui si predica una più rigorosa applicabilità ubiquitaria, anche sulla scorta di approdi illuminati delle Sezioni unite della Cassazione, e regole di esclusione a fondamento epistemologico, la cui esportazione altrove necessita di una più attenta ponderazione della coerenza delle stesse con le tecniche conoscitive adottate da ciascun microcosmo processuale. Una volta giunti a questi esiti, dinanzi alla constatazione della carenza di un modulo procedimentale ad hoc con cui, in sedi non penali, possa effettivamente condursi questa preventiva – e, a nostro avviso, indispensabile – cernita del materiale istruttorio di origine penale in modo da recuperare al massimo gli spazi di dialettica delle parti e tutelare con efficacia l’impregiudicatezza del giudice, si elabora una proposta de iure condendo. In particolare, sulla scorta di indici offerti dall’art. 698 c.p.c. in tema di istruzione preventiva e dell’art. 238 c.p.p. interpretati estensivamente, si tratteggiano quelli che dovrebbero essere gli ineludibili snodi di un procedimento istruttorio apposito per le prove penali da immettere in sistemi extrapenali che appaia idoneo a tenere insieme tutte le esigenze di primario rilievo evidenziate nel corso dell’indagine.

Pecchioli, G. (2024). Circolazione probatoria e invalidità. Riflessi dell’inutilizzabilità nei rapporti tra processo penale e altri giudizi [10.25434/pecchioli-giulia_phd2024-01-18].

Circolazione probatoria e invalidità. Riflessi dell’inutilizzabilità nei rapporti tra processo penale e altri giudizi

Pecchioli, Giulia


The dissertation is about procedural themes inherent in the law of criminal evidence, with particular reference to the delicate issue of evidence that is invalid because it is unusable due to violation of exclusionary rules and to the relations of interference and osmosis that are frequently established between criminal trials and judgments of another nature, with particular reference to mechanisms known as the circulation of evidence. The questions the research attempts to offer an adequate answer are essentially two. In order to satisfy the epistemological afflatus that naturally moves any judicial experience when criminal evidence is transferred from one judgment to another, thus making it usable for the decision to be rendered on the regiudicanda of the destination court, what remains of the genetic defect of the ‘borrowed evidence’? Even before that, given the structural differences that seem to make different areas of jurisdiction incommunicable, within what limits is it permissible to export cognitive data formed according to a given format of judicial knowledge construction elsewhere? The thesis reflects, in the first instance, on the application of the best acquisitions of analytical philosophy to procedural discipline. Then, we dwell on the historical-systematic justification of the procedural phenomenon under investigation in order to clarify the rationale with specific regard to the intersystemic osmotic dynamics, also in the light of the constitutional coordinates of reference (in particular, the norms inherent to due process relating to the judicial epistemology accredited by the legal system). The discourse then unravels in search of a foundation of legitimacy that justifies the activation of evidentiary circulation devices, at the level of each procedural system. The starting assumption is the observation that, apart from the explicit legislative indices provided for criminal proceedings, as far as trials of a different nature are concerned, there is no trace of any express disciplinary reference to the circulation of evidence, even though in practice it is used extensively and insistently precisely because of the proven epistemological usefulness of the phenomenon. Therefore, we scrutinize the regulatory panorama to find at least some indications of the favor legislatoris for the activation of the evidence exchange also concerning different trials, exclude that the structural differences are per se and absolutely an insurmountable obstacle to the circulation of evidence and highlight the peculiar metamorphic dynamic that allows in practice to allogeneic evidence to circulate from the trial of origin to those of arrival (i.e., the assumption of the documental guise). After that, on the one hand, an examination is conducted that unwinds along the most thorny exegetical aspects relating to the interpretation of Article 238 of the Code of Criminal Procedure in order to highlight certain inconsistencies with respect to the substratum of principles canonized in the Constitution in terms of the right to evidence. On the other hand, the substantialist approach with which both civil doctrine and jurisprudence deal with the circulation of evidentiary material is examined critically. In particular, we highlight the unacceptability of the choice of using evaluative criteria to legitimize the entry of allogenic elements into the evidentiary complex, a choice favored both by the lack of a normative substratum of reference and by the formal documentary (dis-)guise assumed by the circulating evidence, thanks to which the practice extends to them the same approach adopted with regard to actual documents, which are deemed not to require a prior admissibility check. Moreover, we highlight the lack of persuasiveness of the dogmatic categories with which extra-moenia evidence is clothed, all of which tend - but in an unsupportable key - to de-emphasize the informational value of evidentiary material of external origin. In the last part of the work, the analysis focuses on the second pole of the research, i.e., the fate to be devoted to evidence that is vitiated insofar as it was acquired in breach of rules of evidentiary exclusion (of an epistemological or ethical-deontological nature) and that is placed in channels of instructive transmigration. The examination is based on the observation that, even in the absence of the provision of a cause of invalidity of evidence analogous to the non-usability valid under Article 191 of the Code of Criminal Procedure for criminal evidence, even in extra-criminal systems, there are rules concerning the admissibility of evidence that share the general rationes of non-usability. This leads to the observation that the vitiating mechanism of criminal evidence can be traced back to the category of inadmissibility (the violation of which entails the infeasibility of the element for decisional purposes), bringing the discourse on vitiated evidence back to a linguistic tenor also shared with systems that do not know the sanction of unusability. The dissertation goes on, then, with the evaluation of the exportability of criminal exclusionary rules in such a way that the civil judge ad quem who is faced with allogenic evidence of a criminal nature can scrutinize its validity at the time of its primigenial formation in the original place, as well as its consistency and therefore legitimacy according to the evidentiary paradigms of the target system. The distinction that is drawn is that between exclusionary rules with an ethical-deontological foundation, of which more rigorous ubiquitous applicability is preached, also on the basis of enlightened approaches of the United Sections of the Supreme Court and exclusionary rules with an epistemological foundation, the exportation of which elsewhere requires a more careful weighing of the consistency of the same with the cognitive techniques adopted by each trial microcosm. Once these results have been reached, faced with the ascertainment of the lack of an ad hoc procedural module with which, in non-criminal venues, this preventive - and, in our opinion, indispensable - sorting of the evidentiary material of criminal origin can be conducted, to recover as much as possible the dialectical spaces of the parties and effectively protect the judge’s lack of jurisdiction, a de iure condendo proposal is elaborated. In particular, on the basis of the indications offered by Article 698 of the Code of Criminal Procedure on the subject of preventive instruction and Article 238 of the Code of Criminal Procedure interpreted extensively, we outline what should be the unavoidable junctions of a particular preliminary examination procedure for criminal evidence to be introduced into extra-criminal systems that appear capable of holding together all the requirements of primary importance highlighted in the course of the dissertation.
Lorusso, Sergio
Pecchioli, G. (2024). Circolazione probatoria e invalidità. Riflessi dell’inutilizzabilità nei rapporti tra processo penale e altri giudizi [10.25434/pecchioli-giulia_phd2024-01-18].
Pecchioli, Giulia
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