This thesis focuses on the collection of Francesco Petrarca’s Res Seniles, the last latin epistolary started by the author in 1361 and concluded in 1374. Of the 127 letters that make up the collection, organized in 17 books and dedicated to Francesco Nelli, bibliography has not yet provided a comprehensive critical discussion and, except for isolated case studies, about this sylloge there is a lack of works dedicated to the analysis of its structure, as well as textual commentary on the letters. For this reason, my research focuses precisely on the reciprocal relationship that exists between the individual texts and the collection designed to accommodate them: far from providing a complete and exhaustive exegetical apparatus for a corpus of such considerable extent, this thesis intends to delve into the macro-structural space of Petrarca’s Senili, with specific attention toward the compositional parameters and the strategies of internal connection underlying the creation of the collection de senilitate. The thesis consists of three parts. The first is structured in three chapters; the first one is dedicated to the genesis of the Senili’s collection; the second one focuses on the tradition of the text, the description of the twenty samples of the canonical collection and the stemmatic relations between them, on the basis of what has been ascertained by the critical edition set up by Silvia Rizzo and Monica Berté, but taking into account the previous experiment conducted by the French team for the Belles Lettres types; the third chapter of the first part reconstructs the editorial history of the sylloge from the projects that brought to light the first cinquecentine printings to the anthological publications of the twentieth century, passing through the nineteenth-century editorial enterprise of the integral publication and the vulgarization by Giuseppe Fracassetti. The main section of the thesis offers an examination of the Res Seniles seventeen books. For each liber, it has been defined a summary prospectus of its contents, accompanied by data on textual consistency, the ordering of the letters, the number and identity of the addressees, and the possible presence of intra- and intertextual references that allow unraveling the network of cross-references to other Petrarchan writings. Each synthetic prospectus is accompanied by analytical cards dedicated to the texts contained in each book, designated to the systematization of the data collected thanks to a capillary operation of textual filing, whose parameters are preliminarily explicated in the opening of the second part of the thesis. The summary schedules and analytical sheets constitute complementary tools, conceived and fine tuned to complement each other, and provide from different angles keys to reading and interpreting the texts. Having the data collected through the operation of filing the books and letters, the third part of the thesis gives an account of the solidity of the overall design of the work, highlighting the coherence and cohesion of the macro-text and interpreting the organizational logics that presided over the arrangement of the texts in the collection. By investigating the presence and functionality of narrative and connective strategies, the thesis therefore aspires to fit into a still open field of research intended to analyze the macro-textual design of Petrarch’s epistolary collections. The thesis intended to verify whether the epistolary senile collection was governed by logics of construction and internal ordering systems similar or comparable to those that preside over the macro-structural design of the works forming part of Petrarch’s literary and mythopoeic project. The identification and analysis of the organizational strategies governing the epistolary serialization of the Res Seniles made it possible to answer the question positively, thus detecting the existence of a design pattern immanent to the macro-structure of the liber.
Il presente lavoro di tesi ha per oggetto la raccolta delle Res Seniles di Francesco Petrarca, ultimo epistolario latino inaugurato dall’autore nel 1361 e concluso in limine mortis nel 1374. Delle 127 lettere che nutrono la raccolta, organizzata in 17 libri e dedicata a Francesco Nelli, la bibliografia non ha ancora fornito una discussione critica complessiva e, fatta eccezione per isolati casi di studio, per la silloge mancano opere dedicate all’analisi della sua struttura, nonché al commento testuale delle lettere. Per questo la mia ricerca si concentra proprio sul rapporto di reciprocità che sussiste tra i singoli testi e il contenitore pensato per accoglierli: lungi dal fornire un apparato esegetico completo ed esaustivo di un corpus di così notevole estensione, questa tesi intende approfondire lo spazio macro-strutturale delle Senili petrarchesche, con specifica attenzione verso i parametri compositivi e le strategie di connessione interna sottesi alla realizzazione della raccolta de senilitate. La tesi si compone di tre parti. La prima è strutturata in tre capitoli; il primo di questi è dedicato alla genesi della raccolta delle Senili; il secondo si concentra sulla tradizione del testo, sulla descrizione dei venti testimoni della raccolta canonica e sui rapporti stemmatici che fra essi intercorrono sulla base di quanto accertato dall’edizione critica allestita da Silvia Rizzo e Monica Berté, ma tenendo conto del precedente esperimento condotto dall’equipe francese per i tipi delle Belles Lettres; il terzo capitolo della prima parte ricostruisce la storia editoriale della silloge a partire dai progetti che condussero alla luce le prime stampe cinquecentine fino alle pubblicazioni antologiche del Novecento, passando per l’impresa editoriale ottocentesca della pubblicazione integrale della raccolta e del volgarizzamento del testo ad opera di Giuseppe Fracassetti. Il corpo centrale del lavoro di tesi offre una disamina dei diciassette libri delle Res Seniles. Per ciascun liber è definito un prospetto riassuntivo dei suoi contenuti, corredato da dati relativi alla consistenza testuale, all’ordinamento delle lettere, al numero e all’identità dei destinatari, all’eventuale presenza di riferimenti intra ed intertestuali che consentano di dipanare la rete dei rimandi ad altre scritture petrarchesche. Ogni prospetto sintetico è corredato da schede analitiche dedicate ai testi contenuti in ciascun libro deputate alla sistematizzazione dei dati raccolti grazie ad una capillare operazione di schedatura testuale, i cui parametri sono esplicitati preliminarmente in apertura della seconda parte della tesi. I prospetti sintetici e le schede analitiche costituiscono strumenti complementari, concepiti e messi a punto per integrarsi vicendevolmente e fornire da angolature diverse chiavi di lettura e interpretazione dei testi. Disponendo dei dati raccolti attraverso l’operazione di schedatura dei libri e delle lettere, la terza parte della tesi dà conto della solidità del disegno complessivo dell’opera, mettendo in evidenza la coerenza e la coesione del macrotesto e interpretando le logiche organizzative che hanno presieduto alla disposizione dei testi nella raccolta. Indagando la presenza e la funzionalità di strategie narrative e connettive, la tesi ambisce pertanto ad inserirsi in un campo di ricerca ancora aperto e inteso ad analizzare il disegno macro-testuale delle raccolte epistolari di Petrarca. La tesi ha inteso verificare se la raccolta epistolare senile fosse governata da logiche di costruzione e sistemi di ordinamento interni simili o paragonabili a quelli che presiedono alla tenuta macro-strutturale delle opere facenti parte del progetto letterario e mitopoietico di Petrarca. L’individuazione e l’analisi delle strategie organizzative che regolano la seriazione epistolare delle Res seniles ha permesso di rispondere positivamente al quesito, rilevando perciò l’esistenza di un disegno progettuale immanente alla macro-struttura del liber.
LA ROSA, G. (2023). Per un commento alle Senili di Petrarca: aspetti micro-testuali e macro-strutturali della raccolta [10.25434/la-rosa-giulia_phd2023].
Per un commento alle Senili di Petrarca: aspetti micro-testuali e macro-strutturali della raccolta
La Rosa Giulia
This thesis focuses on the collection of Francesco Petrarca’s Res Seniles, the last latin epistolary started by the author in 1361 and concluded in 1374. Of the 127 letters that make up the collection, organized in 17 books and dedicated to Francesco Nelli, bibliography has not yet provided a comprehensive critical discussion and, except for isolated case studies, about this sylloge there is a lack of works dedicated to the analysis of its structure, as well as textual commentary on the letters. For this reason, my research focuses precisely on the reciprocal relationship that exists between the individual texts and the collection designed to accommodate them: far from providing a complete and exhaustive exegetical apparatus for a corpus of such considerable extent, this thesis intends to delve into the macro-structural space of Petrarca’s Senili, with specific attention toward the compositional parameters and the strategies of internal connection underlying the creation of the collection de senilitate. The thesis consists of three parts. The first is structured in three chapters; the first one is dedicated to the genesis of the Senili’s collection; the second one focuses on the tradition of the text, the description of the twenty samples of the canonical collection and the stemmatic relations between them, on the basis of what has been ascertained by the critical edition set up by Silvia Rizzo and Monica Berté, but taking into account the previous experiment conducted by the French team for the Belles Lettres types; the third chapter of the first part reconstructs the editorial history of the sylloge from the projects that brought to light the first cinquecentine printings to the anthological publications of the twentieth century, passing through the nineteenth-century editorial enterprise of the integral publication and the vulgarization by Giuseppe Fracassetti. The main section of the thesis offers an examination of the Res Seniles seventeen books. For each liber, it has been defined a summary prospectus of its contents, accompanied by data on textual consistency, the ordering of the letters, the number and identity of the addressees, and the possible presence of intra- and intertextual references that allow unraveling the network of cross-references to other Petrarchan writings. Each synthetic prospectus is accompanied by analytical cards dedicated to the texts contained in each book, designated to the systematization of the data collected thanks to a capillary operation of textual filing, whose parameters are preliminarily explicated in the opening of the second part of the thesis. The summary schedules and analytical sheets constitute complementary tools, conceived and fine tuned to complement each other, and provide from different angles keys to reading and interpreting the texts. Having the data collected through the operation of filing the books and letters, the third part of the thesis gives an account of the solidity of the overall design of the work, highlighting the coherence and cohesion of the macro-text and interpreting the organizational logics that presided over the arrangement of the texts in the collection. By investigating the presence and functionality of narrative and connective strategies, the thesis therefore aspires to fit into a still open field of research intended to analyze the macro-textual design of Petrarch’s epistolary collections. The thesis intended to verify whether the epistolary senile collection was governed by logics of construction and internal ordering systems similar or comparable to those that preside over the macro-structural design of the works forming part of Petrarch’s literary and mythopoeic project. The identification and analysis of the organizational strategies governing the epistolary serialization of the Res Seniles made it possible to answer the question positively, thus detecting the existence of a design pattern immanent to the macro-structure of the liber.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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