This thesis contains the edition of 1035 epistulary documents (letters, cards, postcards, telegrams) of the correspondence between Franco Fortini and 41 collaborators of the Einaudi publishing house. 889 documents (mostly unpublished) are kept in the historical Archive of the editor in Turin; the others are spread among the Fortini Archive at the University of Siena, the Apice Center at the University of Milan (Elio Vittorini), and the Gozzano-Pavese Archive at the University of Turin (Cesare Pavese). For each letter we give: the complete trancript; the description of all the related documents; conjecturs for the chronological order, the senders and, more rarely, the recipients; variants and most significant mistakes. For the first 315 letters (involving the years from 1942 to 1956) we give a comment, drowing information also from Fortini’s correspondence kept in other archives, like the Swiss Literary Archive of Bern and the University “La Sapienza” of Rome. After an introducory chapter and three tables (ordered by year, correspondent and conservative institute), a first chapter of historical and critical analysis examines in detail the years 1942-1956, and second one deals more synthetically with the following years up to 1993, highlighting the caesura of 1963 with a central paragraph about the beginning of the school carreer and Fortini-Mondadori relationship. In spite of the increase or decrease of ideological harmony, Fortini’s contribution to Einaudi is marked by unchanged guidelines. Faithful to the spirit that animated «Il Politecnico», these fundamentals (the same of his critical militancy) are: the radical transformation of the socio-cultural structures in force; the study of the recent history in a Marxist perspective, the identification of future generations as ideal recipients of an ethical and political message; the development of autochtonous knowledges accessible by a large audience (let’s think about Fortini as an anthologist and encyclopedist); the constant updating on the literary production of other cultures and the study of the international critical streams in order to avoid provincialism; the enhancement of a merely humanistic knowledge with the contribution of the scientific disciplines; the vocation to an antidogmatic, encyclopedic, democratic and historically discerning knowledge, in order to fight with erudition and specialism typical of neocapitalist society. Einaudi embodied Fortini’s ideal of a democratic publishing house especially in the years of «Il Politecnico» and after 1953, when Fortini theorised the tasks of a cultural publishing house in the italian context. Between 1959 and 1962 Fortini directed the “Piccola biblioteca Einaudi” (a position he didn’t hold for other publishing houses) and in the middle Seventies he planned to reprint at Einaudi all his published and unpublished work (a project failed due to the heavy economical crisis of 1983).

Questo lavoro di tesi presenta l’edizione e lo studio di un corpus epistolare di 1035 tra lettere, biglietti, cartoline e telegrammi, attestante la corrispondenza tra Franco Fortini e 41 collaboratori della casa editrice Einaudi. Alle 889 lettere inedite di e a Fortini conservate nell’Archivio storico della casa editrice a Torino si aggiungono quelle tra Fortini e i corrispondenti einaudiani conservate nell’Archivio Fortini della Biblioteca Umanistica dell’Università di Siena, nel Centro Apice dell’Università di Milano (Fondo Vittorini) e nell’Archivio del Centro Gozzano-Pavese dell’Università di Torino (Fondo Pavese). Per ogni lettera si forniscono: la descrizione di tutti i relativi testimoni, congetture per l’ordinamento cronologico, per i mittenti e (più raramente) i destinatari, la trascrizione integrale con note per le varianti e gli errori più significativi. Per le prime 315 lettere (che interessano gli anni 1942-1956) si è allestito un commento, che attinge informazioni anche dai carteggi fortiniani conservati in altri archivi, come l’Archivio Svizzero di Letteratura di Berna e l’Archivio del Novecento della “Sapienza”. A un capitolo intoduttivo e a tre tabelle riassuntive dei dati epistolari (per anno, corrispondente e istututo conservatore), seguono un primo capitolo di ricostruzione storico-critica che approfondisce gli anni 1942-1956, e un secondo che ripercorre più sinteticamente quelli successivi fino al 1993, evidenziando la cesura del 1963 con un paragrafo sull‘inizio della carriera scolastica e sul rapporto Fortini-Mondadori. Il contributo di Fortini all’Einaudi è improntato da linee guida immutate nell’alternarsi di maggiore sintonia o divergenza ideologica. Fedeli allo spirito che animò «Il Politecnico» e coerenti con la sua militanza critica, tali istanze sono: la trasformazione radicale delle strutture socio-culturali vigenti; la riflessione sulla storia recente in prospettiva marxista; l’identificazione delle generazioni future come destinatarie di un messaggio etico e politico; la messa a punto di strumenti conoscitivi autoctoni fruibili da un vasto pubblico (pensiamo al Fortini antologista ed enciclopedista); il costante aggiornamento sulla produzione letteraria di altre culture e il confronto con le correnti critiche internazionali per uscire dal provincialismo; lo sconfinamento da un sapere solo umanistico con l‘apporto delle discipline scientifiche; la vocazione a un sapere antidogmatico, enciclopedico, democratico e capace di sintesi storica, in lotta con erudizione e settorialità delle conoscenze tipici della società neocapitalista. Casa Einaudi incarnò l’ideale fortiniano di casa editrice democratica specialmente negli anni del «Politecnico», e dopo il “disgelo”, quando Fortini teorizzò i compiti di una casa editrice di cultura nella situazione italiana. Tra ’59 e ’62 Fortini diresse la “Piccola biblioteca Einaudi” (incarico che non ricoprì per altre case editrici), e a metà anni Settanta progettò di ristampare presso l‘editore tutta la sua opera edita e inedita (progetto fallito per la crisi economica del 1983).



Arnone, Elena


This thesis contains the edition of 1035 epistulary documents (letters, cards, postcards, telegrams) of the correspondence between Franco Fortini and 41 collaborators of the Einaudi publishing house. 889 documents (mostly unpublished) are kept in the historical Archive of the editor in Turin; the others are spread among the Fortini Archive at the University of Siena, the Apice Center at the University of Milan (Elio Vittorini), and the Gozzano-Pavese Archive at the University of Turin (Cesare Pavese). For each letter we give: the complete trancript; the description of all the related documents; conjecturs for the chronological order, the senders and, more rarely, the recipients; variants and most significant mistakes. For the first 315 letters (involving the years from 1942 to 1956) we give a comment, drowing information also from Fortini’s correspondence kept in other archives, like the Swiss Literary Archive of Bern and the University “La Sapienza” of Rome. After an introducory chapter and three tables (ordered by year, correspondent and conservative institute), a first chapter of historical and critical analysis examines in detail the years 1942-1956, and second one deals more synthetically with the following years up to 1993, highlighting the caesura of 1963 with a central paragraph about the beginning of the school carreer and Fortini-Mondadori relationship. In spite of the increase or decrease of ideological harmony, Fortini’s contribution to Einaudi is marked by unchanged guidelines. Faithful to the spirit that animated «Il Politecnico», these fundamentals (the same of his critical militancy) are: the radical transformation of the socio-cultural structures in force; the study of the recent history in a Marxist perspective, the identification of future generations as ideal recipients of an ethical and political message; the development of autochtonous knowledges accessible by a large audience (let’s think about Fortini as an anthologist and encyclopedist); the constant updating on the literary production of other cultures and the study of the international critical streams in order to avoid provincialism; the enhancement of a merely humanistic knowledge with the contribution of the scientific disciplines; the vocation to an antidogmatic, encyclopedic, democratic and historically discerning knowledge, in order to fight with erudition and specialism typical of neocapitalist society. Einaudi embodied Fortini’s ideal of a democratic publishing house especially in the years of «Il Politecnico» and after 1953, when Fortini theorised the tasks of a cultural publishing house in the italian context. Between 1959 and 1962 Fortini directed the “Piccola biblioteca Einaudi” (a position he didn’t hold for other publishing houses) and in the middle Seventies he planned to reprint at Einaudi all his published and unpublished work (a project failed due to the heavy economical crisis of 1983).
Pellini, Pierluigi
Arnone, Elena
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