Nowadays, parallel architectures are everywhere: desktop computers, mobile devices, high-performance workstations, and servers are just a few examples. Not only multi-core microprocessors, but also GPUs, FPGAs, TPUs, and other computing devices are widely used in a broad range of applications. Programmers willing to code in this post-PC era need to take advantage of heterogeneity in order to fully utilize these devices and reach unprecedented performance. Programming heterogeneity can be difficult: each device can have its own languages, frameworks, and coding styles. Heterogeneous approaches that let programmers code once must be preferred for productivity reasons. They must provide portability as a minimum requirement, but also performance portability to reduce the need of device-specific coding and tuning. Despite the wide diffusion of heterogeneous computing devices, frameworks with these facilities are yet to come. This Ph.D. thesis presents my contribution to parallel and heterogeneous programming. After presenting an in-depth study of the state-of-the-art programming approaches for heterogeneous devices, it presents a programming framework that aims at embodying their strengths while limiting their weaknesses. This framework, called PHAST Library, is a modern C++ single-source programming library that provides near-native performance, productivity, portability, and performance portability across parallel computing devices. This thesis discusses it in-depth and evaluates it against other productive heterogeneous frameworks from both performance and productivity points of view. The comparison is done in the case of various toy and real-world applications, which shows that the framework is mature. It also improves the state-of-the-art in a measurable way, and thus its use can help programmers to write high-level, high-performance parallel heterogeneous code. In conclusion, a possible evolution of the framework is presented.
Oggigiorno, le architetture parallele sono ovunque: computer desktop, dispositivi mobile, workstation ad alte prestazioni e server sono solo alcuni esempi. Oltre ai classici multi-core, anche GPU, FPGA, TPU e altri dispositivi vengono utilizzati in un ampio spettro di applicazioni. In questa era post-PC, i programmatori devono necessariamente sfruttare l'eterogeneità per utilizzare pienamente l'hardware e raggiungere prestazioni senza precedenti. Scrivere codice eterogeneo può essere difficile: ogni dispositivo può avere i suoi linguaggi, i suoi framework e i suoi stili di programmazione. Pertanto, per essere produttivi, bisognerebbe preferire degli approcci eterogenei che consentano la scrittura di codice una volta sola. Questi approcci devono fornire come minimo la portabilità del codice tra dispositivi, ma anche la portabilità delle prestazioni, così da ridurre la necessità di programmare e ottimizzare diverse architetture in maniera specifica. Nonostante l'ampia diffusione di dispositivi eterogenei, tali framework sono ancora di là da venire. Questa tesi di Dottorato presenta il mio contributo alla programmazione parallela ed eterogenea. In una prima parte viene discusso approfonditamente lo stato dell'arte dell'ambito di appartenenza. In seguito viene presentato un framework che mira a porsi come punto di riferimento, tentando di conciliare i punti forti delle diverse soluzioni concorrenti, limitandone le debolezze. Questo framework, dal nome PHAST Library, è una libreria di programmazione single-source in C++ moderno che fornisce produttività e portabilità di codice e prestazioni tra dispositivi paralleli. In questo lavoro si discutono le caratteristiche in maniera approfondita e se ne valuta il valore tramite confronto con altri framework eterogenei ad alto livello di astrazione, sia da un punto di vista prestazionale che di produttività. Dal confronto, che annovera esempi semplici e applicazioni reali, emerge che il framework è maturo. Inoltre, PHAST Library rappresenta un miglioramento misurabile dello stato dell'arte e perciò può essere utilizzato per lo sviluppo di applicazioni parallele ed eterogenee in maniera produttiva e portabile. La tesi si conclude con la discussione delle sue possibili evoluzioni.
Peccerillo, B. (2020). PHAST Library - A Productive Solution to Program Heterogeneity [10.25434/biagio-peccerillo_phd2020].
PHAST Library - A Productive Solution to Program Heterogeneity
Biagio Peccerillo
Nowadays, parallel architectures are everywhere: desktop computers, mobile devices, high-performance workstations, and servers are just a few examples. Not only multi-core microprocessors, but also GPUs, FPGAs, TPUs, and other computing devices are widely used in a broad range of applications. Programmers willing to code in this post-PC era need to take advantage of heterogeneity in order to fully utilize these devices and reach unprecedented performance. Programming heterogeneity can be difficult: each device can have its own languages, frameworks, and coding styles. Heterogeneous approaches that let programmers code once must be preferred for productivity reasons. They must provide portability as a minimum requirement, but also performance portability to reduce the need of device-specific coding and tuning. Despite the wide diffusion of heterogeneous computing devices, frameworks with these facilities are yet to come. This Ph.D. thesis presents my contribution to parallel and heterogeneous programming. After presenting an in-depth study of the state-of-the-art programming approaches for heterogeneous devices, it presents a programming framework that aims at embodying their strengths while limiting their weaknesses. This framework, called PHAST Library, is a modern C++ single-source programming library that provides near-native performance, productivity, portability, and performance portability across parallel computing devices. This thesis discusses it in-depth and evaluates it against other productive heterogeneous frameworks from both performance and productivity points of view. The comparison is done in the case of various toy and real-world applications, which shows that the framework is mature. It also improves the state-of-the-art in a measurable way, and thus its use can help programmers to write high-level, high-performance parallel heterogeneous code. In conclusion, a possible evolution of the framework is presented.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.