Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali, Politiche e Cognitive
A sinking boat? The refugee crisis and attitudes towards the European Union in Italy, 1993-2018
2019-01-01 Quaranta, Mario; Martini, Sergio
A Tale of Bias: Longitudinal Evidence of the Effect of Electoral Defeat on Citizens’ Evaluations of the Economy
2020-01-01 Quaranta, Mario; Mancosu, Moreno; Martini, Sergio
Between prudence and selfishness. Pooling the polls on what Italians think of the Ukraine war
2024-01-01 Isernia, Pierangelo; Martini, Sergio; Cozzi-Fucile, Claudio
Challenging by Cueing? An Investigation of Party and Leader Cueing Effects Across Mainstream and Challenger Party Voters
2024-01-01 Torcal, Mariano; Martini, Sergio; Carty, Emily
Citizens and Democracy in Europe: Contexts, Changes and Political Support
2020-01-01 Martini, Sergio; Quaranta, Mario
Deciding about the unknown: The effect of party and ideological cues on forming opinions about the European Union
2018-01-01 Torcal, Mariano; Martini, Sergio; Orriols, Lluis
Does the economy really matter for satisfaction with democracy? Longitudinal and cross-country evidence from the European Union
2016-01-01 Quaranta, Mario; Martini, Sergio
Easy Come, Easy Go? Economic Performance and Satisfaction with Democracy in Southern Europe in the Last Three Decades
2016-01-01 Quaranta, Mario; Martini, Sergio
Elettori e partiti di fronte alla guerra in Ucraina
2023-01-01 Basile, Linda; Martini, Sergio; Isernia, Pierangelo
Finding Out the Hard Way: Uncovering the Structural Foundations of Political Dissatisfaction in Italy, 1973–2013
2014-01-01 Martini, Sergio; Quaranta, Mario
Formándose opiniones sobre Europa: El uso de “pistas partidistas e ideológicas” como atajos informativos por los votantes españoles
2018-01-01 Torcal, Mariano; Martini, Sergio; Orriols, Lluis
Framing Effects on the COVID‐19 See‐Saw
2021-01-01 Olmastroni, Francesco; Guidi, Mattia; Martini, Sergio; Isernia, Pierangelo
From the lab to the poll: The use of survey experiments in political research
2021-01-01 Martini, Sergio; Olmastroni, Francesco
Gli effetti del Covid-19 sulla politica italiana
2020-01-01 Basile, Linda; Guidi, Mattia; Isernia, Pierangelo; Martini, Sergio; Olmastroni, Francesco; Fonda, Rado; Spurio, Alida
La classe politica italiana: struttura, atteggiamenti, sfide
2023-01-01 Verzichelli, Luca; Isernia, Pierangelo; Martini, Sergio
O come opinione pubblica: Covid-19, fiducia politica e politiche di contenimento della pandemia
2022-01-01 Isernia, Pierangelo; Martini, Sergio
Opinione pubblica e guerra in Ucraina: una anomalia italiana?
2023-01-01 Martini, Sergio; Isernia, Pierangelo
Paranoid styles and innumeracy: implications of a conspiracy mindset on Europeans' misperceptions about immigrants
2022-01-01 Martini, Sergio; Guidi, Mattia; Olmastroni, Francesco; Basile, Linda; Borri, Rossella; Isernia, Pierangelo
Political support among winners and losers: Within‐ and between‐country effects of structure, process and performance in Europe
2019-01-01 Martini, Sergio; Quaranta, Mario
Politici vs. pubblico: le sfide della democrazia e la deliberazione
2023-01-01 Martini, Sergio; Isernia, Pierangelo