Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Internazionali
15 years from the Eastern Enlargement: Financial integration and economic convergence in Europe
2021-01-01 Coricelli, F.; Frigerio, M.
[Recensione a] An Agenda for a Growing Europe: The Sapir Report
2005-01-01 Coricelli, Fabrizio
Assessing Inflation Persistence: Micro Evidence on an Inflation Targeting Economy
2009-01-01 Coricelli, Fabrizio; Babetsky, Jan; Horvath, Roman
Costi e benefici dell'integrazione europea: miti e realtà
2015-01-01 Coricelli, Fabrizio
Crisis, Credit and Resource Misallocation: Evidence from Europe during the Great Recession
2017-01-01 Banerjee, Biswajit; Coricelli, Fabrizio
Democracy in the post-communist world: Unfinished business
2007-01-01 Coricelli, Fabrizio
Economic performance and stabilization policy in a Monetary Union with imperfect labor and goods markets
2004-01-01 Coricelli, Fabrizio; Alex, Cukierman; Dalmazzo, Alberto
Emerging Europe in the Great Recession: is Europe Different?
2012-01-01 Coricelli, Fabrizio
EU Membership or Thatcher's Structural Reforms: What Drove the Great British Reversal?
2017-01-01 Coricelli, Fabrizio; Campos, Nauro
EU Membership, Mrs Thatcher's Reforms and Britain's Economic Decline
2017-01-01 Campos, Nauro F.; Coricelli, Fabrizio
Exchange Rate Arrangements in the Accession to the EMU
2004-01-01 Coricelli, Fabrizio; Jazbec, B.
Exchange rate pass-through in EMU acceding countries: Empirical analysis and policy implications
2006-01-01 Coricelli, Fabrizio; Bostjan, Jazbec; Igor, Masten
Exchange Rate Policy during transition to the European Monetary Union
2002-01-01 Coricelli, Fabrizio
Finance and growth in economies in transition
1996-01-01 Coricelli, Fabrizio
Financial Liberalization and Reversals: Political and Economic Determinants
2012-01-01 Coricelli, Fabrizio; Campos, N.
Fiscal constraints and the speed of transition
1997-01-01 Coricelli, Fabrizio; Chadha, B.
Fiscal policy in an enlarged EU
2004-01-01 Coricelli, Fabrizio
Growth and Crisis in Transition: a Comparative Perspective
2011-01-01 Coricelli, Fabrizio; Maurel, M.
Growth in transition: what we know , what we don't, and what we should
2002-01-01 Coricelli, Fabrizio; Campos, N.
Hardened Budgets and Enterprise Restructuring: Theory and an Application To Romania
2001-01-01 Coricelli, Fabrizio; Djankov, S.