Sfoglia per Autore
Hazard Assessment of Rocky Slopes: An Integrated Photogrammetry–GIS Approach Including Fracture Density and Probability of Failure Data
2022-01-01 Vanneschi, Claudio; Rindinella, Andrea; Salvini, Riccardo
PRISMA applications for territorial and urban planning
2021-01-01 Tabarrani, Ilaria; Garzelli, Andrea; Giovannini, Riccardo; Salvini, Riccardo
Analisi di stabilità di un pendio detritico montano tramite impiego di georadar installato su drone
2021-01-01 Zei, Caterina; Vanneschi, Claudio; Guidotti, Giacomo; Rindinella, Andrea; Salvini, Riccardo
Classification of natural and engineered rock slopes using UAV photogrammetry for assessing stability
2021-01-01 Bar, N.; Borgatti, L.; Donati, D.; Francioni, M.; Salvini, R.; Ghirotti, M.
Distributed optical fiber sensors and terrestrial laser scanner surveys for the monitoring of an underground marble quarry
2021-01-01 Lanciano, Chiara; Vanneschi, Claudio; Tufarolo, Emanuele; Salvini, Riccardo
From hazardous asbestos containing wastes (ACW) to new secondary raw material through a new sustainable inertization process: A multimethodological mineralogical study
2021-01-01 Marian, N. M.; Giorgetti, G.; Magrini, C.; Capitani, G. C.; Galimberti, L.; Cavallo, A.; Salvini, R.; Vanneschi, C.; Viti, C.
Assessment of a Rock Pillar Failure by Using Change Detection Analysis and FEM Modelling
2021-01-01 Vanneschi, C.; Mastrorocco, G.; Salvini, R.
Rilievo aerofotogrammetrico e cartografia in campo archeologico: casi applicativi nel sito di Uşakli Höyük (Turchia)
2020-01-01 Regine, Vincenzo; Salvini, Riccardo; Tufarolo, Emanuele
Modellazione stocastica della fratturazione (Metodo Discrete Fracture Network) a supporto della stima previsionale di resa all’interno di bacini estrattivi di pietre ornamentali
2020-01-01 Salvini, R.; Vanneschi, C.; Garattoni, A.
Evaluation of the Use of UAV Photogrammetry for Rock Discontinuity Roughness Characterization
2020-01-01 Salvini, R.; Vanneschi, C.; Coggan, J. S.; Mastrorocco, G.
Monitoring of strain and temperature in an open pit using brillouin distributed optical fiber sensors
2020-01-01 Lanciano, C.; Salvini, R.
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for engineering geology applications
2020-01-01 Giordan, Daniele; Adams, Marc S.; Aicardi, Irene; Alicandro, Maria; Allasia, Paolo; Baldo, Marco; De Berardinis, Pierluigi; Dominici, Donatella; Godone, Danilo; Hobbs, Peter; Lechner, Veronika; Niedzielski, Tomasz; Piras, Marco; Rotilio, Marianna; Salvini, Riccardo; Segor, Valerio; Sotier, Bernadette; Troilo, Fabrizio
Mechanisms and frequency-size statistics of failures characterizing a coastal cliff partially protected from the wave erosive action
2020-01-01 Esposito, Giuseppe; Matano, Fabio; Sacchi, Marco; Salvini, Riccardo
Slope stability analyses and geological risk reduction: two case studies, from engineering-geological characterization to rockfall runout modeling with intervention proposal
2019-01-01 Benmakhlouf, M.; Salvini, R.; Vanneschi, C.
Integrating remote sensing data for the assessments of coastal cliffs hazard: MAREGOT Project
2019-01-01 Deiana, G.; Melis, M. T.; Funedda, A.; Da Pelo, S.; Meloni, M.; Naitza, L.; Orrù, P.; Salvini, R.; Sulis, A.
Evaluation of camera positions and ground points quality in a GNSS-NRTK based UAV survey: preliminary results from a practical test in morphological very complex areas
2019-01-01 Tufarolo, E.; Vanneschi, C.; Casella, M.; Salvini, R.
Applications of photogrammetry for environmental research
2019-01-01 Mancini, F.; Salvini, R.
SFM-MVS photogrammetry for rockfall analysis and hazard assessment along the ancient roman via Flaminia road at the Furlo gorge (Italy)
2019-01-01 Vanneschi, C.; Di Camillo, M.; Aiello, E.; Bonciani, F.; Salvini, R.
Multitemporal Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Marble Extraction Assessment in an Underground Quarry of the Apuan Alps (Italy)
2019-01-01 Di Bartolo, Silvia; Salvini, Riccardo
The impact of new technologies in the engineering classification of rock masses
2019-01-01 Francioni, M.; Sciarra, N.; Ghirotti, M.; Borgatti, L.; Salvini, R.; Calamita, F.
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