Biographical Dictionary of Arezzo. 1900-1950. The number of people considered worthy of biography was above 500 units. List open to any updates. A cultural not easy, because we have focused on good quality standards. The project should be a not insignificant contribution to the recent history of the city (in context), valid in time and ultralocale spread. Collaborated scholars and researchers value, far beyond the best expectations. Including young graduates behind a significant curriculum too. Guidelines. It was the premise selection of Arezzo to study, with the corresponding assignments to biographers. Given the numerical importance (over 520 entries and 52 authors of biographies), and for other reasons guessed, it was a complex operation, which required no small job of preventive reconnaissance. The preparation of the list has been made possible thanks to the reports of all the biographers (chosen for competence, trying to cover all disciplines), the press of the time, the bibliography, the material of the Municipal Library, the State Archives, of 'Archive capitulate, the Fraternity of the laity, the historical Archive of the City of Arezzo, the "memory" of many fellow citizens. Two fundamental criteria which have kept us in the choice (avoiding stiffness): aretinità in the broad sense, ie significant characters for Arezzo (including non-native) in terms of cultural, scientific, political and administrative, socio-economic etc.; time limit the first half of '900. We have limited the number of entries and the period (about 1950) to avoid encroaching on the record instead of the historical narrative. Three types or models of biographies: the authors have had to do (with loose tolerances) to them, by identifying general types of subject biografare: small, medium level, very important. The decision on membership of a character to one of the three categories was up to the biographer, with verification of the auditors of the discipline (appointed by the Scientific Committee of the work). General lines of methodology. It started in 2002 with an experimental process: biographies are posted on the Internet in an appropriate space dedicated to the Dictionary aretini first '900, on site. The transaction makes changes during construction, a sort of construction site to make possible additions of subjects and vice versa elimination (in accordance with the reputed personalities of matter) auditor by the authors do not fall into the categories or irrelevant. On-line working group is added to the Scientific Committee, plus the group of voices auditors, three for discipline. The single card had to be filled with chronological order, divided into works and bibliography. The dictionary has been designed with several purposes: first of subsidy/tool for historical research of Arezzo, based on analysis of the protagonists and enhancement of significance. Once the DBA will be the work of its own, with its own value and thickness (that is complete in itself), it's part of a larger project that will start, backwards, with the 800, from the origins of Biographical Dictionary Arezzo today. Publication in print and online. Geographical location and activity of the protagonists. Were taken into account aretini illustrious born in the Municipality during the period in question; born earlier but whose condition has relevance in the fifty years; those who, while not born in Arezzo, have carried out effective activities in the territories in the same time frame; any other evaluated case by case. In both points means Arezzo common and not the province. It was these choices to delimit the work, otherwise difficult to achieve. Exceptions elected deputies or senators or appointed in the colleges of Arezzo; mayors; Presidents of the province; prefects; bishops; other charges. In certain cases (prefects, mayors, bishops, presidents Petrarca Academy, rectors of the Fraternity and others), in addition to or instead of individual detailed biographies, it's published a specific list. The final decision on selection of names was left to the auditors, feel the compilers of the cards. The auditors of the group consisted of: L. Armandi, L. Fornasari, G. Galli, A. Garofoli (Coordinator), C. Santori, R. Salvadori, S. Pieri. For the allocation of the items were favorite authors of publications about the period and those who have already worked on the character. Criteria to be met: rigor, scientific seriousness, very correct in citing sources (also own). To avoid the excess of "falling in love" of the character, as well as a kind of spatial imbalance, especially as the amount of text, including biographies of equal importance. The auditor has the task, among others to verify the opportunity to enter the names of biografare, re-read the final text. The Scientific Committee also operates an after deliberations, after completion of the delivery of biographies. He was asked one aseptic writing style, typical of biographical dictionaries and encyclopedias. Almost notary, avoiding qualifiers. One never apologetic style but of information, historical documentation. A compilation mode devoid of frills, not omitting to give overall direction to the character. The biography was to be centered on the person as a whole, with an eye toward what was done by the same significantly in Arezzo, privileging the work in the first 900. In other words expose what he has done throughout the subject existence, however, highlighting the presence of Arezzo, also being an instrument for the elite of the period analysis. Because the work may be subject to various objections and comments, an information communication channel is activated with readers.
Progetto Dizionario biografico degli aretini. 1900-1950. Il numero dei personaggi considerati, degni di scheda biografica, è stato superiore alle 500 unità. Elenco aperto ad eventuali aggiornamenti. Un’operazione culturale non semplice, anche perché - nelle vesti di ideatori e curatori - abbiamo puntato su standard qualitativi almeno buoni. Il progetto dovrebbe costituire un contributo non di poco conto alla storia recente della città (contestualizzata), valido nel tempo e con diffusione internazionale. Grazie al WEB. Hanno collaborato studiosi e ricercatori di valore, in numero superiore alle migliori aspettative. Inclusi giovani laureati con alle spalle un curriculum significativo. Linee guida. È stata premessa la selezione degli aretini da studiare, con le corrispondenti assegnazioni ai biografi. Data la rilevanza numerica (oltre 520 le voci e 52 gli autori delle biografie) e per altri motivi intuibili, si è trattato di un’operazione complessa, che ha richiesto un non lieve lavoro di ricognizione preventiva. La predisposizione dell’elenco è stata resa possibile grazie alle segnalazioni di tutti i biografi (scelti per competenza, cercando di coprire tutte le discipline), alla stampa dell’epoca, alla bibliografia, al materiale della Biblioteca Comunale, degli Archivi di Stato, dell’Archivio capitolare, della Fraternita dei laici, dell’Archivio storico del Comune di Arezzo, alla “memoria” di concittadini. Due i criteri base ai quali ci siamo attenuti nella scelta (evitando rigidità): aretinità nel senso ampio, vale a dire personaggi significativi per Arezzo (compresi i non nativi) dal punto di vista culturale, scientifico, politico-amministrativo, socio-economico etc.; limite temporale prima metà del ‘900. Abbiamo contenuto il numero delle voci e il periodo (1950 circa) per evitare di sconfinare nella cronaca invece che nella narrazione storico-scientifica. Tre modelli di biografie: gli autori si sono dovuti attenere (con larghi margini di tolleranza) ad essi, individuando genericamente tipologie di soggetto da biografare: piccolo livello, medio livello, grande rilievo. La decisione sull’appartenenza di un personaggio a una categoria spettava al biografo, con verifica dei revisori della disciplina (nominati dal comitato scientifico dell’opera). Metodologia. Si è partiti nel 2002, con un percorso sperimentale: le biografie sono inserite in Internet in un apposito spazio dedicato al Dizionario aretini primo ’900, sul sito L’operazione consente modifiche in corso d’opera, una sorta di cantiere per rendere possibili aggiunte di soggetti e viceversa l’eliminazione (in accordo col revisore della materia) di personaggi reputati dagli autori non rientranti nelle categorie o non rilevanti. Al gruppo di lavoro on-line si aggiunge il Comitato scientifico, più il gruppo di revisori delle voci, tre per disciplina. La singola scheda era da compilarsi con ordinamento cronologico, suddivisa in opere e bibliografia. Il Dizionario è stato concepito con più finalità: in primis di sussidio/strumento alla ricerca storica su Arezzo, fondato sull’analisi dei protagonisti e valorizzazione della significatività. Una volta concluso il DBA sarà sia opera a sé stante, con propria valenza e spessore (vale a dire di per sé completo), sia facente parte di un ampio progetto che partirà, a ritroso, con l’800, di Dizionario Biografico dalle origini di Arezzo a oggi. Pubblicazione a stampa e on-line. Localizzazione geografica e dell’attività dei protagonisti. Sono stati presi in considerazione aretini illustri nati nel territorio del Comune nel periodo in questione; nati precedentemente ma che abbiano avuto rilevanza nel cinquantennio; coloro i quali, pur non nati ad Arezzo, abbiano svolto attività incisiva sul territorio nel medesimo lasso di tempo; altri eventuali valutati caso per caso. In entrambi i punti s’intende Arezzo comune e non provincia. È stata operata questa scelta per delimitare l’opera, altrimenti difficilmente realizzabile. Fanno eccezione deputati o senatori eletti o nominati nei collegi di Arezzo; sindaci; presidenti della provincia; prefetti; vescovi; altre cariche. In taluni casi (prefetti, sindaci, vescovi, presidenti Accademia Petrarca, rettori di Fraternita e altri), oltre o al posto delle singole dettagliate biografie, è pubblicato uno specifico elenco. La decisione ultima sulla selezione dei nomi è stata lasciata ai revisori, sentiti i compilatori delle schede. Il gruppo dei revisori era costituito da: L. Armandi, L. Fornasari, G. Galli, A. Garofoli (coordinatore), C. Santori, R. Salvadori, S. Pieri. Per l’assegnazione delle voci sono stati preferiti autori di pubblicazioni sul periodo e chi ha già lavorato al personaggio. Criteri da rispettare: rigore, serietà scientifica, correttezza estrema nel citare le fonti (anche proprie). Da evitare l’eccesso di “innamoramento” del personaggio, nonché una sorta di sbilanciamento spaziale, soprattutto come quantità di testo, fra biografie di pari importanza. Il revisore ha il compito, fra gli altri di verificare l’opportunità d’inserimento dei nomi da biografare, rileggere il testo finale. Il Comitato scientifico opera anche le deliberazioni conclusive, una volta ultimata la consegna delle biografie. È stato chiesto uno stile di scrittura asettico, tipico dei Dizionari biografici e delle enciclopedie. Quasi notarile, evitando i qualificativi. Uno stile mai apologetico ma d’informazione, documentazione storica. Una modalità di compilazione scevra di orpelli, non omettendo di dare un senso complessivo al personaggio. La biografia doveva essere centrata sulla persona nella sua interezza, con un occhio di riguardo verso ciò che è stato fatto dal medesimo in modo significativo ad Arezzo, privilegiando l’operato nel primo 900. In altre parole esporre quanto ha fatto il soggetto nell’intera esistenza, evidenziando però la presenza aretina, trattandosi anche di uno strumento per un’analisi dell’élite del periodo. Poiché il lavoro può essere oggetto di obiezioni e segnalazioni varie, è attivato un canale di comunicazione informatica con i lettori.
Garofoli, A. (a cura di). (2015). Dizionario Biografico degli Aretini (DBA). Primo Novecento. AREZZO : Società Storica Aretina.
Dizionario Biografico degli Aretini (DBA). Primo Novecento
Biographical Dictionary of Arezzo. 1900-1950. The number of people considered worthy of biography was above 500 units. List open to any updates. A cultural not easy, because we have focused on good quality standards. The project should be a not insignificant contribution to the recent history of the city (in context), valid in time and ultralocale spread. Collaborated scholars and researchers value, far beyond the best expectations. Including young graduates behind a significant curriculum too. Guidelines. It was the premise selection of Arezzo to study, with the corresponding assignments to biographers. Given the numerical importance (over 520 entries and 52 authors of biographies), and for other reasons guessed, it was a complex operation, which required no small job of preventive reconnaissance. The preparation of the list has been made possible thanks to the reports of all the biographers (chosen for competence, trying to cover all disciplines), the press of the time, the bibliography, the material of the Municipal Library, the State Archives, of 'Archive capitulate, the Fraternity of the laity, the historical Archive of the City of Arezzo, the "memory" of many fellow citizens. Two fundamental criteria which have kept us in the choice (avoiding stiffness): aretinità in the broad sense, ie significant characters for Arezzo (including non-native) in terms of cultural, scientific, political and administrative, socio-economic etc.; time limit the first half of '900. We have limited the number of entries and the period (about 1950) to avoid encroaching on the record instead of the historical narrative. Three types or models of biographies: the authors have had to do (with loose tolerances) to them, by identifying general types of subject biografare: small, medium level, very important. The decision on membership of a character to one of the three categories was up to the biographer, with verification of the auditors of the discipline (appointed by the Scientific Committee of the work). General lines of methodology. It started in 2002 with an experimental process: biographies are posted on the Internet in an appropriate space dedicated to the Dictionary aretini first '900, on site. The transaction makes changes during construction, a sort of construction site to make possible additions of subjects and vice versa elimination (in accordance with the reputed personalities of matter) auditor by the authors do not fall into the categories or irrelevant. On-line working group is added to the Scientific Committee, plus the group of voices auditors, three for discipline. The single card had to be filled with chronological order, divided into works and bibliography. The dictionary has been designed with several purposes: first of subsidy/tool for historical research of Arezzo, based on analysis of the protagonists and enhancement of significance. Once the DBA will be the work of its own, with its own value and thickness (that is complete in itself), it's part of a larger project that will start, backwards, with the 800, from the origins of Biographical Dictionary Arezzo today. Publication in print and online. Geographical location and activity of the protagonists. Were taken into account aretini illustrious born in the Municipality during the period in question; born earlier but whose condition has relevance in the fifty years; those who, while not born in Arezzo, have carried out effective activities in the territories in the same time frame; any other evaluated case by case. In both points means Arezzo common and not the province. It was these choices to delimit the work, otherwise difficult to achieve. Exceptions elected deputies or senators or appointed in the colleges of Arezzo; mayors; Presidents of the province; prefects; bishops; other charges. In certain cases (prefects, mayors, bishops, presidents Petrarca Academy, rectors of the Fraternity and others), in addition to or instead of individual detailed biographies, it's published a specific list. The final decision on selection of names was left to the auditors, feel the compilers of the cards. The auditors of the group consisted of: L. Armandi, L. Fornasari, G. Galli, A. Garofoli (Coordinator), C. Santori, R. Salvadori, S. Pieri. For the allocation of the items were favorite authors of publications about the period and those who have already worked on the character. Criteria to be met: rigor, scientific seriousness, very correct in citing sources (also own). To avoid the excess of "falling in love" of the character, as well as a kind of spatial imbalance, especially as the amount of text, including biographies of equal importance. The auditor has the task, among others to verify the opportunity to enter the names of biografare, re-read the final text. The Scientific Committee also operates an after deliberations, after completion of the delivery of biographies. He was asked one aseptic writing style, typical of biographical dictionaries and encyclopedias. Almost notary, avoiding qualifiers. One never apologetic style but of information, historical documentation. A compilation mode devoid of frills, not omitting to give overall direction to the character. The biography was to be centered on the person as a whole, with an eye toward what was done by the same significantly in Arezzo, privileging the work in the first 900. In other words expose what he has done throughout the subject existence, however, highlighting the presence of Arezzo, also being an instrument for the elite of the period analysis. Because the work may be subject to various objections and comments, an information communication channel is activated with readers.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.