Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, della Terra e dell'Ambiente
A multi-taxa approach to assess the impacts of the alien Carpobrotus spp. on natural communities in a small Mediterranean island
2023-01-01 Mugnai, Michele; Misuri, Alice; Siccardi, Eugenia; Tricarico, Elena; Forni, Sara; Morbidelli, Marco; Viciani, Daniele; Benesperi, Renato; Santini, Giacomo; Masoni, Alberto; Balzani, Paride; Maccherini, Simona; Fanfarillo, Emanuele; Angiolini, Claudia; Fiaschi, Tiberio; Barbato, Debora; Manganelli, Giuseppe; Benocci, Andrea; Mazza, Giuseppe; Landi, Silvia; Lagomarsino, Alessandra; Fagorzi, Camilla; Mengoni, Alessio; Lazzaro, Lorenzo
A small slug from a tropical greenhouse reveals a new rathouisiid lineage with triaulic tritrematic genitalia (Gastropoda: Systellommatophora)
2023-01-01 Manganelli, G.; Lesicki, A.; Benocci, A.; Barbato, D.; Miserocchi, D.; Pienkowska, J. R.; Giusti, F.
Acclimatization of Poecilia reticulata (Peters, 1859) and Xiphophorus maculatus (Gunther, 1866) (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae) in central Italy
2018-01-01 Favilli, L.; Piazzini, S.; Barbato, D.; Manganelli, G.
Aciculid land snails (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda, Cyclophoroidea) from the Zanclean (early Pliocene) of Balze di Caspreno (central Italy)
2014-01-01 Manganelli, Giuseppe; Cianfanelli, Simone; Barbato, Debora; Benocci, Andrea
Biodiversity and ecology of Tuscan malacocoenoses with particular reference to the effects of human impact
2017-01-01 Barbato, Debora
Checklist of macro-invertebrates of the special conservation area "Poggi di Prata" (Grosseto, central Italy) trough a citizen-science and expert-based approach
2021-01-01 Menchetti, M.; Cianferoni, F.; Mazza, G.; Dal Cin, M.; Barbato, D.; Benocci, A.; Cervo, R.; Dapporto, L.; Picchi, M. S.; Vanni, L.; Cabrini, R.; Mori, E.
Compagine macrofungina
2019-01-01 Salerni, Elena; Barbato, Debora; Perini, Claudia
Comparing the impacts of two alien species (Carpobrotus, Opuntia stricta) on plant and invertebrate communities in small Mediterranean islands
2023-01-01 Misuri, Alice; Lazzaro, Lorenzo; Siccardi, Eugenia; Tricarico, Elena; Forni, Sara; Morbidelli, Marco; Viciani, Daniele; Benesperi, Renato; Santini, Giacomo; Masoni, Alberto; Balzani, Paride; Maccherini, Simona; Fanfarillo, Emanuele; Angiolini, Claudia; Fiaschi, Tiberio; Barbato, Debora; Manganelli, Giuseppe; Benocci, Andrea; Mazza, Giuseppe; Landi, Silvia; Lagomarsino, Alessandra; Fagorzi, Camilla; Mengoni, Alessio; Mugnai., Michele
Corrigendum to "Does forest age affect soil biodiversity? Case study of land snails in Mediterranean secondary forests" [For. Ecol. Manage. 455 (2020) 117693]
2020-01-01 Barbato, D.; Benocci, A.; Manganelli, G.
Distribuzione e conservazione di Vertigo angustior e Vertigo muolinsiana (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Vertiginidae) in Toscana: stato delle conoscenze [Geographical distribution and conservation status of Vertigo angustior and Vertigo moulinsiana (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Vertiginidae) in Tuscany, Italy: State of the art]
2020-01-01 Manganelli, G.; Favilli, L.; Barbato, D.; Benocci, A.
Does forest age affect soil biodiversity? Case study of land snails in Mediterranean secondary forest
2020-01-01 Barbato, D.; Benocci, A.; Manganelli, G.
Exploration of phylogeography of Monacha cantiana s.l. continues: the populations of the Apuan Alps (NW Tuscany, Italy) (Eupulmonata, Stylommatophora, Hygromiidae)
2019-01-01 Pieńkowska, Joanna R.; Manganelli, Giuseppe; Giusti, Folco; Barbato, Debora; Hallgass, Alessandro; Lesicki, Andrzej
Fauna urbana: biodiversità e conservazione.
2017-01-01 Benocci, A.; Favilli, L.; Barbato, D.; Manganelli, G.
Five alien achatinid land snails (Gastropoda, Eupulmonata) first reported in greenhouses of Italian botanical gardens
2024-01-01 Manganelli, Giuseppe; Benocci, Andrea; Barbato, Debora; Giusti, Folco
From citizen science to science education: the experiences of the Natural History Museum of Accademia dei Fisiocritici (MUSNAF) about teaching and learning biodiversity
2022-01-01 Barbato, Debora; Benocci, Andrea; Manganelli, Giuseppe
Functional and morphological traits of epiphytic lichens in the Western Carpathian oak forests reflect the influence of air quality and forest history
2017-01-01 Guttova, A.; Kosuthova, A.; Barbato, D.; Paoli, L.
Hypnophila zirjensis n. sp., a new azecid land snail from the Croatian island of žirje (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Orthurethra)
2018-01-01 Štamol, Vesna; Manganelli, Giuseppe; Barbato, Debora; Giusti, Folco
Light and shade of citizen science for less charismatic invertebrate groups: quality assessment of iNaturalist nonmarine mollusc observations in central Italy
2021-01-01 Barbato, D.; Benocci, A.; Guasconi, M.; Manganelli, G.
New evidence on the relationships between Hypnophila Bourguignat, 1859 and Gomphroa Westerlund, 1902 (Gastropoda: Eupulmonata: Azecidae)
2020-01-01 Manganelli, G.; Pieńkowska, J.; Kosicka, E.; Barbato, D.; Benocci, A.; Lesicki, A.; Giusti, F.
Next step in Monacha cantiana (Montagu, 1803) phylogeography: northern French and Dutch populations (Eupulmonata, Stylommatophora, Hygromiidae)
2024-01-01 Pieńkowska, Joanna R.; Manganelli, Giuseppe; Proćków, Małgorzata; Barbato, Debora; Sosnowska, Katarzyna; Giusti, Folco; Lesicki, Andrzej