Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, della Terra e dell'Ambiente
Amphora production and salsamenta trade: the case of Thamusida (Rabat, Morocco).
2005-01-01 Gliozzo, Elisabetta; Cerri, L.; Damiani, D.; Turbanti, Isabella
Application of the Rietveld method for the investigation of mortars: a case study on the archaeological site of Thamusida (Morocco)
2009-01-01 Gliozzo, E.; Dalconi, M. C.; Cruciani, G.; Turbanti, I.
Archaeometric characterisation of coarse and painted fine ware from Posta Crusta (Foggia, Italy)
2010-01-01 Gliozzo, E.; Leone, D.; Origlia, F.; Turbanti, I.; Volpe, G.
Black gloss pottery: production sites and technology in northern etruria. Part I: provenance studies
2004-01-01 Gliozzo, E.; Turbanti, I.
Black gloss pottery: production sites and technology in northern Etruria. Part II: gloss technology
2004-01-01 Gliozzo, E; Kirkman, I.; Pantos, M.; Turbanti, I.
Building materials from Thamusida (Rabat, Morocco): a diachronic local production from the Roman to the Islamic period
2011-01-01 Gliozzo, E.; Damiani, D.; Camporeale, S.; Memmi, I.; Papi, E.
Ceramic production and metal working at the Trebbio archaeological Site (Sansepolcro, Arezzo, Italy)
2011-01-01 Gliozzo, Elisabetta; Comini, A.; Cherubini, A.; Moroni, Adriana; Turbanti, Isabella
Chemical characterization of protein based binders in painting samples by means of ToF-SIMS: Tests on ancient and model samples
2014-01-01 Atrei, ANDREA MASSIMO; Benetti, Francesca; Gliozzo, Elisabetta; Perra, Guido; Marchettini, Nadia
Colourless glass from the Palatine and Esquiline hills in Rome (Italy). New data on antimony- and manganese-decoloured glass in the Roman period
2017-01-01 Gliozzo, Elisabetta; Lepri, Barbara; Saguì, Lucia; Turbanti, Isabella
Common ware production at Thamusida: dating and characterisation of Roman and Islamic pottery
2009-01-01 Gliozzo, E.; D'Aco, D.; Turbanti, I.; Galli, A.; Martini, M.; Sibilia, E.
Cooking and painted ware from San Giusto (Lucera, Foggia): the production cycle, from the supply of raw materials to the commercialisation of products
2005-01-01 Gliozzo, E.; Fortina, C.; Turbanti, I.; Turchiano, M.; Volpe, G.
Geosources for ceramic production and communication pathways: the exchange network and the scale of chemical representative differences
2018-01-01 Gliozzo, Elisabetta; Turchiano, Maria; Fantozzi, Pier Lorenzo; Romano, Angelo Valentino
Geosources for ceramic production: The clays from the Neogene–Quaternary Albegna Basin (southern Tuscany)
2014-01-01 Gliozzo, Elisabetta; Iacoviello, Francesco; Foresi, Luca Maria
Glass ingots, raw glass chunks, glass wastes and vessels from fifth century AD Palatine Hill (Rome, Italy)
2017-01-01 Gliozzo, Elisabetta; Lepri, Barbara; Saguì, Lucia; Turbanti, Isabella
I laterizi
2009-01-01 Gliozzo, Elisabetta; Camporeale, Stefano
I reperti in marmo
2009-01-01 Akerraz, A.; Papi, E.; Perugini, D.; Poli, G.; Gliozzo, E.; Turbanti, I.; Dallai, L.
Integrating archaeology, archaeometry andgeology: local production technology and imports at Paola (Cosenza, Southern Italy)
2008-01-01 Gliozzo, E.; Vivacqua, P.; Turbanti, I.
La produzione di ceramica da fuoco di San Giusto (Lucera, Foggia): dall’approvvigionamento della materia prima alla commercializzazione del manufatto.
2005-01-01 Gliozzo, Elisabetta; Turchiano, M.; Fortina, C.; Turbanti, Isabella; Volpe, G.
Le analisi archeometriche.
2003-01-01 Gliozzo, Elisabetta; Turbanti, Isabella; Foresi, LUCA MARIA
Le fornaci del Trebbio (Sansepolcro, AR): aspetti tecnologici
2009-01-01 Ciacci, Andrea; Comini, Alberto; Gliozzo, Elisabetta; Turbanti, Isabella; Moroni, Adriana