[Non-specific pituitary responses in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents]
1995-01-01 Iughetti, L.; Petraglia, F.; Facchinetti, F.; Genazzani, A. R.; Cozzini, A.; Vanelli, M.; Bernasconi, S.
A long-term treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist plus a low-dose oral contraceptive improves the recovery of the ovulatory function in patients with polycystic ovary syndrom
1997-01-01 Genazzani, A. D.; Petraglia, F.; Battaglia, C.; Gamba, O.; Volpe, A.; Genazzani, A. R.
A novel antiinflammatory role for the short-chain fatty acids in human labor
2012-01-01 Voltolini, C.; Battersby, S.; Etherington, S. L.; Petraglia, F.; Norman, J. E.; Jabbour, H. N.
A report of early (13 + 0 to 14 + 6 weeks) and mid-trimester amniocenteses: 10 years' experience
2003-01-01 Centini, G.; Rosignoli, L.; Kenanidis, A.; Scarinci, R.; Petraglia, F.
A retrospective case-control study comparing hysteroscopic resection versus hormonal modulation in treating menstrual disorders due to isthmocele
2011-01-01 Florio, P.; Gubbini, G.; Marra, E.; Dores, D.; Nascetti, D.; Bruni, L.; Battista, R.; Moncini, I.; Filippeschi, M.; Petraglia, F.
Abnormal beta-endorphin and beta-lipotropin responses to TRH and LRH administration in primary and secondary affective disorders
1986-01-01 Brambilla, F.; Petraglia, F.; Facchinetti, F.; Genazzani, A. R.
Abnormal concentration of maternal serum activin-A in gestational diseases
1995-01-01 Petraglia, F.; De Vita, D.; Gallinelli, A.; Aguzzoli, L.; Genazzani, A. R.; Romero, R.; Woodruff, T. K.
Abnormal dexamethasone suppression test in daily chronic headache sufferers
1986-01-01 Martignoni, E.; Facchinetti, F.; Manzoni, G. C.; Petraglia, F.; Nappi, G.; Genazzani, A. R.
Abnormal uterine bleeding unrelated to uterine structural abnormalities: management in the perimenopausal period
2017-01-01 Sabbioni, Lorenzo; Zanetti, Isabella; Orlandini, Cinzia; Petraglia, Felice; Luisi, Stefano
Absent B-endorphin response to clonidine in obese children
1988-01-01 Facchinetti, F.; Bernasconi, S.; Petraglia, F.; Marcellini, C.; Iughetti, L.; Genazzani, A. R.
Acetyl-L-carnitine acutely administered raises beta-endorphin and cortisol plasma levels in humans
1988-01-01 Martignoni, E.; Facchinetti, F.; Sances, G.; Petraglia, F.; Nappi, G.; Genazzani, A. R.
Acetyl-l-carnitine as possible drug in the treatment of hypothalamic amenorrhea
1991-01-01 Genazzani, A. D.; Petraglia, F.; Algeri, I.; Gastaldi, M.; Calvani, M.; Botticelli, G.; Genazzani, A. R.
Acetyl-L-carnitine effect on pituitary and plasma beta-endorphin responsiveness to different chronic intermittent stressors
1993-01-01 Bidzinska, B.; Petraglia, F.; Angioni, S.; Genazzani, A. D.; Criscuolo, M.; Ficarra, G.; Gallinelli, A.; Trentini, G. P.; Genazzani, A. R.
ACTH, beta-endorphin, beta-lipotropin and cortisol response to an agonistic athletic performance is related to the energetic characteristics and to the duration of the competition
1987-01-01 Barletta, C.; Petraglia, F.; Spinazzola, F.; Baccarini, S.; Scavo, D.
Activin A increases invasiveness of endometrial cells in an in-vitro model of human peritoneum
2008-01-01 Ferreira, M. C.; Witz, C.; Hammes, L.; Petraglia, F.; Schenken, R.; Reis, F. M.
Activin A, corticotropin-releasing factor and prostaglandin F2 alpha increase immunoreactive oxytocin release from cultured human placental cells
1996-01-01 Florio, P.; Lombardo, M.; Gallo, R.; Di Carlo, C.; Sutton, S.; Genazzani, A. R.; Petraglia, F.
Activin at parturition: changes of maternal serum levels and evidence for binding sites in placenta and fetal membranes
1994-01-01 Petraglia, F.; Gallinelli, A.; De Vita, D.; Lewis, K.; Mathews, L.; Vale, W.
Activin beta A subunit is expressed in bovine oviduct
1995-01-01 Gandolfi, F.; Modina, S.; Brevini, T. A.; Passoni, L.; Artini, P.; Petraglia, F.; Lauria, A.
Activin-related proteins in bovine mammary gland: localization and differential expression during gestational development and differentiation
2010-01-01 Bloise, E.; Cassali, G. D.; Ferreira, M. C.; Ciarmela, P.; Petraglia, F.; Reis, F. M.
Acute beta-interferon or thymopentin administration increases plasma growth hormone and cortisol levels in children
1992-01-01 Angioni, S.; Iori, G.; Cellini, M.; Sardelli, S.; Massolo, F.; Petraglia, F.; Genazzani, A. R.