The research took the start on the needs arising from my particular path - I am a restorer of paintings and art historian - and the desire to use the opportunity to pool knowledge honed in the daily practice with techniques and materials of paintings with the study in art history more widely understood. In this view, I undertook at the Seconda Università di Napoli my PhD in Art History.The aim was to retrace some moments of particular significance in the history of painting in the Sixteenth century with a view to integrating scientific study with the different approaches traditionally directed to this discipline - the story of the techniques in his relationship with the history of style, the study of treatises, the study of conservation history and collections - often affected by a segmentation that does not allow an effective dialogue between the various specialists.The research subject is the technique of painting inquired in the treatises and through scientific investigations carried out on the paintings of the sixteenth century. The written sources study took most part of the work, and was focused mainly on Leonardo's Trattato della pittura; on the systematic treatment in Vasari's ‘Introduzione alle Arti’ introducing his Vite (1550 and1568) - examining also many technical notations scattered inside Vite themselves; on the De’ veri Precetti della Pittura by Giovan Battista Armenini (1586); on the technical digression in the third book of Raffaello Borghini Il Riposo (1584); on the chapters devoted to painting technique of Giovan Paolo Lomazzo treatises (1584 and 1591). I made a systematic textual analysis of these treatises, specifically directed to the reconstruction of the processes of drawing and of painting, to retrace the steps of creating a painting. The comparison between the texts has been developed to provide a wider overview. In fact, technical procedures are closely linked in a relationship of mutual dependence with the way of looking at art in different times: it is not without influence on the contents of a text, even purely practical, the author's ideological stance towards the arts, which often leads him to emphasize some cases more than others, regardless of the actual habits. In the meantime, I carried out the collation and comparison of the material - published and unpublished - on the diagnostic examination of works of the sixteenth century, to provide a detailed background on which to bring out some significant cases. Then I chose a selection of case studies of paintings - chosen between the works in the museum of Capodimonte - whose technical examination and diagnosis can be useful to illustrate the descriptions of some processes traced in the texts and the various issues involved.

La ricerca, destinata allo studio dei procedimenti della pittura del XVI secolo attraverso l’analisi dei trattati e delle opere, si è svolta in due direzioni. Per quanto riguarda lo studio delle fonti letterarie, sono state oggetto prevalente di analisi le opere di Leonardo da Vinci, Giorgio Vasari, Giovan Battista Armenini, Raffaello Borghini e Giovan Paolo Lomazzo, tenendo conto dello contesto più ampio della letteratura artistica del secolo. Per queste opere in particolare, è stata realizzata una lettura finalizzata al recupero e al confronto delle informazioni di natura tecnica, con una particolare attenzione agli aspetti lessicali legati alla terminologia specifica. Inoltre, al fine di comprendere, nei limiti del possibile, la destinazione e la circolazione fra gli artisti dei trattati e dei ‘libri di bottega’, si è ripercorsa la fortuna critica dei diversi testi - a partire dalla complessa vicenda del Libro di Pittura di Leonardo - tentando anche di individuare nessi e prestiti intercorsi fra di loro o con ipotetici ricettari. Si è ripercorsa, sotto questa angolazione, la fortuna del Libro dell’arte di Cennino Cennini, un testo al giorno d’oggi fondamentale negli studi di tecnica, ma di cui non è stata ancora chiarita la funzione che può aver svolto nel Cinquecento, spesso dandone per scontata una conoscenza diffusa e un ruolo normativo che, in realtà, risultano tutt’altro che certi. Contemporaneamente, è stata realizzata una ricognizione degli studi sulla tecnica esecutiva dei dipinti, oggetto ormai di un consistente campo di produzione letteraria specifica, al fine di rapportare allo stato degli studi l’analisi di alcune opere del museo di Capodimonte scelte come casi esemplificativi, utili ad illustrare alcuni aspetti e problematiche della realizzazione tecnico esecutiva dei dipinti.

Cerasuolo, A. (2011). Letteratura e pratica artistica del Cinquecento: I procedimenti della pittura nei trattati e nelle opere.

Letteratura e pratica artistica del Cinquecento: I procedimenti della pittura nei trattati e nelle opere



The research took the start on the needs arising from my particular path - I am a restorer of paintings and art historian - and the desire to use the opportunity to pool knowledge honed in the daily practice with techniques and materials of paintings with the study in art history more widely understood. In this view, I undertook at the Seconda Università di Napoli my PhD in Art History.The aim was to retrace some moments of particular significance in the history of painting in the Sixteenth century with a view to integrating scientific study with the different approaches traditionally directed to this discipline - the story of the techniques in his relationship with the history of style, the study of treatises, the study of conservation history and collections - often affected by a segmentation that does not allow an effective dialogue between the various specialists.The research subject is the technique of painting inquired in the treatises and through scientific investigations carried out on the paintings of the sixteenth century. The written sources study took most part of the work, and was focused mainly on Leonardo's Trattato della pittura; on the systematic treatment in Vasari's ‘Introduzione alle Arti’ introducing his Vite (1550 and1568) - examining also many technical notations scattered inside Vite themselves; on the De’ veri Precetti della Pittura by Giovan Battista Armenini (1586); on the technical digression in the third book of Raffaello Borghini Il Riposo (1584); on the chapters devoted to painting technique of Giovan Paolo Lomazzo treatises (1584 and 1591). I made a systematic textual analysis of these treatises, specifically directed to the reconstruction of the processes of drawing and of painting, to retrace the steps of creating a painting. The comparison between the texts has been developed to provide a wider overview. In fact, technical procedures are closely linked in a relationship of mutual dependence with the way of looking at art in different times: it is not without influence on the contents of a text, even purely practical, the author's ideological stance towards the arts, which often leads him to emphasize some cases more than others, regardless of the actual habits. In the meantime, I carried out the collation and comparison of the material - published and unpublished - on the diagnostic examination of works of the sixteenth century, to provide a detailed background on which to bring out some significant cases. Then I chose a selection of case studies of paintings - chosen between the works in the museum of Capodimonte - whose technical examination and diagnosis can be useful to illustrate the descriptions of some processes traced in the texts and the various issues involved.
Cerasuolo, A. (2011). Letteratura e pratica artistica del Cinquecento: I procedimenti della pittura nei trattati e nelle opere.
Cerasuolo, A
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